BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference
Interface MessagingBridgeMBean

public interface MessagingBridgeMBean
extends DeploymentMBean

This Mbean defines a Messaging Bridge.

Copyright © 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String BRIDGE_POLICY_AUTO
static java.lang.String BRIDGE_POLICY_MANUAL
static java.lang.String BRIDGE_POLICY_SCHEDULED
static java.lang.String BRIDGE_QOS_ATMOST_ONCE
static java.lang.String BRIDGE_QOS_DUPLICATE_OKAY
static java.lang.String BRIDGE_QOS_EXACTLY_ONCE
Fields inherited from class
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getForwardingPolicy()
          Get the forwarding policy defined for the messaging bridge.
 long getMaximumIdleTimeMilliseconds()
          Get the maximum idle time defined for the messaging bridge.
 java.lang.String getQualityOfService()
          Get the quality of service defined for the messaging bridge.
 long getReconnectDelayIncrement()
          Get the incremental delay time defined for the messaging bridge.
 long getReconnectDelayInitialMilliseconds()
          Get the initial delay time defined for the messaging bridge.
 long getReconnectDelayMaximumMilliseconds()
          Get the maximum delay time defined for the messaging bridge.
 long getScanUnitMilliseconds()
          Get the scan unit time defined for the messaging bridge.
 java.lang.String getScheduleTime()
          Get the schedule time defined for the messaging bridge.
 java.lang.String getSelector()
          Get the selector defined for the messaging bridge.
 BridgeDestinationMBean getSourceDestination()
          Get the source destination defined for the messaging bridge.
 BridgeDestinationMBean getTargetDestination()
          Get the target destination defined for the messaging bridge.
 int getTransactionTimeoutSeconds()
          Get the transaction timeout defined for the messaging bridge.
 boolean isAsyncDisabled()
          Return the value of the AsyncDisabled attribute The AsyncDisabled attribute only apply to those bridges that their source supports asynchronous receiving.
 boolean isDurabilityDisabled()
          Returns true if the bridge disables the durability.
 boolean isQOSDegradationAllowed()
          Return true if the bridge allows the degradation of its quality of service when the quality of service configured is not reachable.
 boolean isStarted()
          Get the value of the Started attribute The started attribute is used to set the start/stop state of the bridge.
 void setAsyncDisabled(boolean asyncDisabled)
          Set the value of the AsyncDisabled attribute The AsyncDisabled attribute only apply to those bridges that their source supports asynchronous receiving.
 void setDurabilityDisabled(boolean durable)
          Set the boolean variable for durability defined for the messaging bridge.
 void setForwardingPolicy(java.lang.String policy)
          Set the forwarding policy defined for the messaging bridge.
 void setMaximumIdleTimeMilliseconds(long time)
          Set the maximum idle time defined for the messaging bridge.
 void setQOSDegradationAllowed(boolean degradationAllowed)
          Set the value of the QOSDegradationAllowed attribute If set to true, the bridge will degrade the quality of service when the configured one is not reachable.
 void setQualityOfService(java.lang.String qos)
          Set the quality of service defined for the messaging bridge.
 void setReconnectDelayIncrement(long time)
          Set the incremental delay time for re-connecting defined for the messaging bridge.
 void setReconnectDelayInitialMilliseconds(long time)
          Set the initial delay time for re-connecting defined for the messaging bridge.
 void setReconnectDelayMaximumMilliseconds(long time)
          Set the maximum delay time for re-connecting defined for the messaging bridge.
 void setScanUnitMilliseconds(long time)
          Set the scan unit time defined for the messaging bridge.
 void setScheduleTime(java.lang.String schedule)
          Set the schedule time defined for the messaging bridge.
 void setSelector(java.lang.String selector)
          Set the selector defined for the messaging bridge.
 void setSourceDestination(BridgeDestinationMBean sourceDestination)
          Set the source destination defined for the messaging bridge.
 void setStarted(boolean started)
          Set the value of the Started attribute The started attribute is used to set the start/stop state of the bridge.
 void setTargetDestination(BridgeDestinationMBean targetDestination)
          Set the target destination defined for the messaging bridge.
 void setTransactionTimeoutSeconds(int timeout)
          Set the TransactionTimeoutSeconds time defined for the messaging bridge.
Methods inherited from interface
addTarget, getDeploymentOrder, getTargets, removeTarget, setDeploymentOrder, setTargets
Methods inherited from interface
getNotes, setNotes, setPersistenceEnabled
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getName, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setName, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String BRIDGE_POLICY_AUTO


public static final java.lang.String BRIDGE_POLICY_MANUAL


public static final java.lang.String BRIDGE_POLICY_SCHEDULED


public static final java.lang.String BRIDGE_QOS_EXACTLY_ONCE


public static final java.lang.String BRIDGE_QOS_ATMOST_ONCE


public static final java.lang.String BRIDGE_QOS_DUPLICATE_OKAY
Method Detail


public BridgeDestinationMBean getSourceDestination()
Get the source destination defined for the messaging bridge. Return an instance of BridgeDestinationMBean, which defines the destination from which the bridge reads messages.


public void setSourceDestination(BridgeDestinationMBean sourceDestination)
Set the source destination defined for the messaging bridge. It takes an instance of BridgeDestinationMBean.


public BridgeDestinationMBean getTargetDestination()
Get the target destination defined for the messaging bridge. Return an instance of BridgeDestinationMBean, which defines the destination to which the bridge sends the messages it receives from the source destination.


public void setTargetDestination(BridgeDestinationMBean targetDestination)
Set the target destination defined for the messaging bridge. It takes an instance of BridgeDestinationMBean.


public java.lang.String getSelector()
Get the selector defined for the messaging bridge.


public void setSelector(java.lang.String selector)
Set the selector defined for the messaging bridge.


public java.lang.String getForwardingPolicy()
Get the forwarding policy defined for the messaging bridge. Return one of the following values: "Automatic" -- the bridge will start transferring messages from the source to the target once it boots. "Manul" -- the bridge will start transferring messages from the source to the target when the administrator manually start the bridge from the console. The administrator can stop the bridge and restart it from the console as well. "Scheduled" -- the bridge will transferring messages from the source to the target following a schedule pattern defined by the administrator in the ScheduleTime attribute of the bridge.


public void setForwardingPolicy(java.lang.String policy)
Set the forwarding policy defined for the messaging bridge. It takes the following values: "Automatic" -- the bridge will start transferring messages from the source to the target once it boots. "Manul" -- the bridge will start transferring messages from the source to the target when the administrator manually start the bridge from the console. The administrator can stop the bridge and restart it from the console as well. "Scheduled" -- the bridge will transferring messages from the source to the target following a schedule pattern defined by the administrator in the ScheduleTime attribute of the bridge. The default value is "Automatic".



public java.lang.String getScheduleTime()
Get the schedule time defined for the messaging bridge. Return a string that defines a scheduler used to schedule the operation of the bridge. It attributes will not have effect until the ForwardingPolicy is set to "Scheduled".


public void setScheduleTime(java.lang.String schedule)
Set the schedule time defined for the messaging bridge. The string passed to the method defines a scheduler used to start and stop the operation of the bridge.

A dynamic MBean attribute


public java.lang.String getQualityOfService()
Get the quality of service defined for the messaging bridge. Return one of the following values: "Exactly-once" -- each message in the source destination will be transferred to the target exactly once. This is the highest quality of service a bridge can offer. "Atmost-once" -- one message in the source will only be transferred to the target once with possibility of being lost during the forwarding. "Duplicate-okay-- messages in the source will not get lost but some may appear in the target more than once.


public void setQualityOfService(java.lang.String qos)
Set the quality of service defined for the messaging bridge. It takes one of the following values: "Exactly-once" -- each message in the source destination will be transferred to the target exactly once. This is the highest quality of service a bridge can offer. "Atmost-once" -- one message in the source will only be transferred to the target once with possibility of being lost during the forwarding. "Duplicate-okay-- messages in the source will not get lost but some may appear in the target more than once. The default values is "Exactly-once".



public boolean isQOSDegradationAllowed()
Return true if the bridge allows the degradation of its quality of service when the quality of service configured is not reachable.


public void setQOSDegradationAllowed(boolean degradationAllowed)
Set the value of the QOSDegradationAllowed attribute If set to true, the bridge will degrade the quality of service when the configured one is not reachable.

Default Value: false


public boolean isDurabilityDisabled()
Returns true if the bridge disables the durability. This only applies to a source destination that has durable receiver functionality, which allows the source to remain the messages for the bridge when the bridge is down. When the bridge back up running, the messages it misses during its down time will still be available. The administrator can choose not to be durable.


public void setDurabilityDisabled(boolean durable)
Set the boolean variable for durability defined for the messaging bridge. If set to true, the bridge will miss all messages that are sent to the source during the time when the bridge is down.

Default Value: false


public long getReconnectDelayInitialMilliseconds()
Get the initial delay time defined for the messaging bridge. The ReconnectDelayIntialSeconds attribute defines the number of milliseconds the bridge will wait before it tries to reconnect to the source or target destination after a failure. This attribute works with ReconnectDelayMaximumMilliseconds and ReconnectionDelayIncrement attributes. After the first failure of connecting to a destination, the bridge will wait for the number of milliseconds defined by ReconnectionDelayInitialMilliseconds. If the second trial failed too, it will increase its waiting time by the number of milliseconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrement. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectionDelayMaximumMilliseconds. once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge will not increase its waiting time anymore. Once the bridge successfully connected to the destination, its waiting time will be re-set to the initial value defined by ReconnectionDelayInitialMilliseconds.


public void setReconnectDelayInitialMilliseconds(long time)
Set the initial delay time for re-connecting defined for the messaging bridge.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 15000
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE


public long getReconnectDelayIncrement()
Get the incremental delay time defined for the messaging bridge. The ReconnectDelayIncrement attribute defines the number of milliseconds the bridge will wait more between one failed attempt and next re-try. This attribute works with ReconnectDelayInitialMilliSeconds and ReconnectionDelayMaximumMilliseconds attributes. After the first failure of connecting to a destination, the bridge will wait for the number of milliseconds defined by ReconnectionDelayInitialMilliseconds. If the second trial failed too, it will increase its waiting time by the number of milliseconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrement. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectionDelayMaximumMilliseconds. once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge will not increase its waiting time anymore. Once the bridge successfully connected to the destination, its waiting time will be re-set to the initial value defined by ReconnectionDelayInitialMilliseconds.


public void setReconnectDelayIncrement(long time)
Set the incremental delay time for re-connecting defined for the messaging bridge.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 5000
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE


public long getReconnectDelayMaximumMilliseconds()
Get the maximum delay time defined for the messaging bridge. The ReconnectDelayMaximumMilliseconds attribute defines the longest time the bridge will wait between one failed attempt to connect to the source or target and the next re try. This attribute works with ReconnectDelayInitialMilliseconds and ReconnectionDelayIncrement attributes. After the first failure of connecting to a destination, the bridge will wait for the number of milliseconds defined by ReconnectionDelayInitialMilliseconds. If the second trial failed too, it will increase its waiting time by the number of milliseconds defined by ReconnectDelayIncrement. The maximum delay time is defined by ReconnectionDelayMaximumMilliseconds. once the waiting time is increased to the maximum value, the bridge will not increase its waiting time anymore. Once the bridge successfully connected to the destination, its waiting time will be re-set to the initial value defined by ReconnectionDelayInitialMilliseconds.


public void setReconnectDelayMaximumMilliseconds(long time)
Set the maximum delay time for re-connecting defined for the messaging bridge.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 50000
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE


public long getMaximumIdleTimeMilliseconds()
Get the maximum idle time defined for the messaging bridge. If the bridge works in synchronous mode, the maximum idle time defines the longest time that the bridge will be blocked on the receiving operation. If the bridge works in asynchronous mode, the maximum idle time defines the longest time the bridge will stay idle before it checks the sanity of its connection to the source.


public void setMaximumIdleTimeMilliseconds(long time)
Set the maximum idle time defined for the messaging bridge.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 1800000
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE


public long getScanUnitMilliseconds()
Get the scan unit time defined for the messaging bridge. The bridge will check the state every time elapse defined by the scan unit attribute


public void setScanUnitMilliseconds(long time)
Set the scan unit time defined for the messaging bridge.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 5000
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE


public int getTransactionTimeoutSeconds()
Get the transaction timeout defined for the messaging bridge. If the bridge is configured with Exactly-once quality of service, the receiving and sending will be done in one transaction. TransactionTimeout defines the number of milliseconds the transaction manager will wait for each transaction before it time it out.


public void setTransactionTimeoutSeconds(int timeout)
Set the TransactionTimeoutSeconds time defined for the messaging bridge. It is specified in seconds.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: 30
Legal Minimum Value: 0
Legal Maximum Value: java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE


public boolean isAsyncDisabled()
Return the value of the AsyncDisabled attribute The AsyncDisabled attribute only apply to those bridges that their source supports asynchronous receiving. When the value is true, the bridge will work in synchronous mode even if the source supports asynchronous receiving.


public void setAsyncDisabled(boolean asyncDisabled)
Set the value of the AsyncDisabled attribute The AsyncDisabled attribute only apply to those bridges that their source supports asynchronous receiving. Setting this attribute to true will force the bridge to work in synchronous mode.

Default Value: false


public boolean isStarted()
Get the value of the Started attribute The started attribute is used to set the start/stop state of the bridge. If the value of this attibute is true, the bridge is in working condition. If the value is false, the bridge is temporarily stopped.


public void setStarted(boolean started)
Set the value of the Started attribute The started attribute is used to set the start/stop state of the bridge. Setting this attribute to true will start the bridge if it has not been started. Setting the attribute to false will temporarily stop the bridge.

A dynamic MBean attribute
Default Value: true

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