BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use FormatStringBuffer

Uses of FormatStringBuffer in weblogic.servlet.logging

Methods in weblogic.servlet.logging that return FormatStringBuffer
 FormatStringBuffer FormatStringBuffer.append(java.lang.String s)
          Appends the string argument to this string buffer.
 FormatStringBuffer FormatStringBuffer.append(char c)
          Appends the char argument to this string buffer.
 FormatStringBuffer FormatStringBuffer.append(char[] c)
          Appends the char[] argument to this string buffer.
 FormatStringBuffer FormatStringBuffer.append(int i)
          Appends the string representation of the int argument to this string buffer.
 FormatStringBuffer FormatStringBuffer.appendValueOrEmpty(java.lang.String val)
          Appends the string representation of the string argument or nothing if null to this string buffer.
 FormatStringBuffer FormatStringBuffer.appendTwoDigits(int number)
          Appends two digits to the string buffer.
 FormatStringBuffer FormatStringBuffer.appendValueOrDash(java.lang.String value)
          Appends the string argument or a dash if null to the string buffer.
 FormatStringBuffer FormatStringBuffer.appendQuotedValueOrDash(java.lang.String value)
          Appends the string argument with quotes or a dash to the string buffer.
 FormatStringBuffer FormatStringBuffer.appendStatusCode(int number)
          Appends the Staus code to the string buffer.
 FormatStringBuffer FormatStringBuffer.appendMonth(int number)
 FormatStringBuffer FormatStringBuffer.appendYear(int yearMinus1900)
 FormatStringBuffer FormatStringBuffer.appendDate()
 FormatStringBuffer FormatStringBuffer.appendTime()

Methods in weblogic.servlet.logging with parameters of type FormatStringBuffer
 void URILogField.logField(HttpAccountingInfo metrics, FormatStringBuffer buff)
 void TimeLogField.logField(HttpAccountingInfo metrics, FormatStringBuffer buff)
 void LogField.logField(HttpAccountingInfo metrics, FormatStringBuffer buffer)
 void HostLogField.logField(HttpAccountingInfo metrics, FormatStringBuffer buff)
 void NullLogField.logField(HttpAccountingInfo metrics, FormatStringBuffer buff)

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.