BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use CodecFactory

Uses of CodecFactory in weblogic.soap

Methods in weblogic.soap that return CodecFactory
 CodecFactory WebServiceProxy.getCodecFactory()
          returns the encoding/decoding factory used by this web service

Methods in weblogic.soap with parameters of type CodecFactory
static WebServiceProxy WebServiceProxy.getServiceAt( wsdlLocation, CodecFactory factory, boolean verbose)
          Creates a Web Service proxy based on the WSDL file available on the specified location.
static WebServiceProxy WebServiceProxy.getServiceFrom(java.lang.String wsdlDoc, CodecFactory factory, boolean verbose)
          Creates a Web Service proxy based on the WSDL document specified as a string.
 void WebServiceProxy.setCodecFactory(CodecFactory codec)
          sets the factory for encoding/decoding parameters and return type

Uses of CodecFactory in weblogic.soap.codec

Methods in weblogic.soap.codec that return CodecFactory
static CodecFactory CodecFactory.newInstance()

Methods in weblogic.soap.codec with parameters of type CodecFactory
 void Codec.register(CodecFactory codecs)
 void ses, see, CodecFactory codecs, java.lang.Class[] types)
 void Operation.write( out, CodecFactory codecs, java.lang.String prefix)

Constructors in weblogic.soap.codec with parameters of type CodecFactory
SoapMessage.SoapMessage(CodecFactory codecs)
SoapEnvelope.SoapEnvelope(CodecFactory factory)
SoapMimeMessage.SoapMimeMessage(CodecFactory codecs)

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.