BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Interface InterposedTransactionManager

public interface InterposedTransactionManager

InterposedTransactionManager is used by a bi-directional gateway for importing foreign transactions into WLS. Gateway implementors obtain a XAResource interface from the WLS Transaction Manager to import foreign transactions into WLS, and to coordinate the foreign transactions.

InterposedTransactionManager is available via JNDI lookup under the path of "weblogic.transaction.TransactionManager." and from weblogic.transaction.TxHelper.

Copyright © 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:

In Silversword, we do not yet support importing the same foreign transaction into different WLS domains via our Client InterposedTransactionManager. The main reason is that currently RMI propagates the transaction context in the current thread when making invocations. And in order to support foreign systems importing a transaction into more than one WLS domains, we need a way to decide which WLS domain's imported transaction context to propagate when making RMI invocations. This machinery is not available yet in Silversword. This restriction will be lifted in Acadia.

Method Summary
 javax.transaction.Transaction getTransaction()
          Gets the transaction object that is associated with the current thread
 javax.transaction.Transaction getTransaction(javax.transaction.xa.Xid xid)
          Given an Xid returns the corresponding transaction object, if any
 javax.transaction.xa.XAResource getXAResource()
          Obtains the XAResource object associated with this Transaction Manager instance

Method Detail


public javax.transaction.xa.XAResource getXAResource()
Obtains the XAResource object associated with this Transaction Manager instance

the XAResource interface implemented by the WLS Transaction Manager. It is used by the gateway for subsequent import and coordination of the foreign transactions.


public javax.transaction.Transaction getTransaction()
Gets the transaction object that is associated with the current thread

return The transaction object that is associated with the current thread


public javax.transaction.Transaction getTransaction(javax.transaction.xa.Xid xid)
Given an Xid returns the corresponding transaction object, if any

xid - Specifies the Xid, whether it is a foreign Xid or a WLS Xid
The transaction object that is associated with the given Xid

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