BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use DequeueReply   

Uses of DequeueReply in

Methods in that return DequeueReply
 DequeueReply TuxedoConnection.tpdequeue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, byte[] msgid, byte[] corrid, boolean doWait, boolean doPeek, int flags)
          Much like tpacall, this looks up the remote qspace as a service offered through the domain configuration file, and once it has located the proper remote domain through which to send the dequeue request, it sends it.
 DequeueReply TuxedoConnection.tpdequeue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, int flags)
          This is the simple version of tpdequeue, which is equalvalent to calling the other tpdequeue verb with null as the msgid and corrid and false as the values for doWait and doPeek.

Uses of DequeueReply in

Methods in that return DequeueReply
 DequeueReply tsession.tpdequeue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, byte[] msgid, byte[] corrid, boolean doWait, boolean doPeek, int flags)
 DequeueReply tsession.tpdequeue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, int flags)
 DequeueReply ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpdequeue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, byte[] msgid, byte[] corrid, boolean doWait, boolean doPeek, int flags)
          tpdequeue() takes a message for processing from the queue named by qname in the qspace queue space.
 DequeueReply ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpdequeue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, int flags)
          This method is the same as calling the other tpdequeue method with null for msgid and corrid and false for doWait and doPeek

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