BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Interface

Packages that use FldTbl   

Uses of FldTbl in

Methods in with parameters of type FldTbl
 TypedFML XmlFmlCnv.XMLtoFML(java.lang.String xmlinfo, FldTbl[] fldtbls)
 TypedFML32 XmlFmlCnv.XMLtoFML32(java.lang.String xmlinfo, FldTbl[] fldtbls)

Uses of FldTbl in

Classes in that implement FldTbl
 class evt_mib
 class islflds
 class secflds
 class tmibflds
 class tmqflds
 class tpadm
 class Usysfl32
 class Usysflds

Fields in declared as FldTbl
protected  FldTbl[] TypedFML32.fldtbls

Methods in that return FldTbl
 FldTbl[] FML.getFieldTables()
          gets the current list of FldTbls that are being used by this TypedFML object to do FldId/String mappings.
 FldTbl[] TypedFML32.getFieldTables()
          gets the current list of FldTbls that are being used by this FML32 object to do FldId/String mappings.
 FldTbl[] TypedFML.getFieldTables()
          gets the current list of FldTbls that are being used by this TypedFML object to do FldId/String mappings.

Methods in with parameters of type FldTbl
 void FML.setFieldTables(FldTbl[] tables)
          This function sets the list of FldTbl objects that can be used for FldId/String mappings
 void TypedFML32.setFieldTables(FldTbl[] tables)
          This function sets the list of FldTbl objects that can be used for FldId/String mappings
 void TypedFML.setFieldTables(FldTbl[] tables)
          This function sets the list of FldTbl objects that can be used for FldId/String mappings

Constructors in with parameters of type FldTbl
TypedFML32.TypedFML32(FldTbl[] tables)
          Constructor which provides a list FldTbl objects for mapping FldIds to Strings and Strings to FldIds.
TypedFML32.TypedFML32(FldTbl table)
          Constructor which provides a single FldTbl object for mapping FldIds to Strings and Strings to FldIds Note that it is not necesary to provide FldTbls unless String/FldId mappings are required.
TypedFML.TypedFML(FldTbl[] tables)
          Constructor which provides a list FldTbl objects for mapping FldIds to Strings and Strings to FldIds.
TypedFML.TypedFML(FldTbl table)
          Constructor which provides a single FldTbl object for mapping FldIds to Strings and Strings to FldIds Note that it is not necesary to provide FldTbls unless String/FldId mappings are required.

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.