BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use TPException   

Uses of TPException in

Methods in that throw TPException
 CallDescriptor TuxedoConnection.tpacall(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          This implementation of tpacall is aware of the domain configuration files which correlate services with local and remote domains.
 Reply TuxedoConnection.tpgetrply(CallDescriptor cd, int flags)
          This implementation does not yet handle the case of blocking replies with the TPGETANY flag.
 byte[] TuxedoConnection.tpenqueue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, EnqueueRequest ctl, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          Much like tpacall, this looks up the remote qspace as a service offered through the domain configuration file, and once it has located the proper remote domain through which to send the enqueue request, it sends it.
 DequeueReply TuxedoConnection.tpdequeue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, byte[] msgid, byte[] corrid, boolean doWait, boolean doPeek, int flags)
          Much like tpacall, this looks up the remote qspace as a service offered through the domain configuration file, and once it has located the proper remote domain through which to send the dequeue request, it sends it.
 DequeueReply TuxedoConnection.tpdequeue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, int flags)
          This is the simple version of tpdequeue, which is equalvalent to calling the other tpdequeue verb with null as the msgid and corrid and false as the values for doWait and doPeek.
 Reply TuxedoConnection.tpcall(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          This implementation of tpcall looks up the proper service using the domain configuration files and/or MBeans.
 Conversation TuxedoConnection.tpconnect(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          This implementation of tpconnect looks up the proper service using the domain configuration files and/or MBeans.
static java.lang.String GwtUtil.getLocalDomId(java.lang.String remoteDomId)
 boolean TuxedoCorbaConnection.getRollbackOnly()
 TuxedoConnection TuxedoConnectionFactory.getTuxedoConnection()
          Gets the Tuxedo connection object

Constructors in that throw TPException

Uses of TPException in

Subclasses of TPException in
 interface TPReplyException
          This class is the exception that represents a TPException failure when there may also be user data on the exception that is thrown

Methods in that throw TPException dsession.alloc_TDOM(int opcode, int flags, java.lang.String svc)
 Conversation dsession.tpconnect(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
 void TypedXML._tmpresend( encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 void TypedXML._tmpostrecv( decoder, int recv_size)
          XDR decodes the given xmlarray.
 void TypedCArray._tmpresend( encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 void TypedCArray._tmpostrecv( decoder, int recv_size)
          XDR decodes the given carray.
 int tsession.tpchkauth()
 void tsession.tpinit( tpinfo)
 void tsession.tpterm()
 CallDescriptor tsession.tpacall(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
 Reply tsession.tpgetrply(CallDescriptor cd, int flags)
 Reply tsession.tpcall(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
 void tsession.tpbegin(long timeout, int flags)
 void tsession.tpabort(int flags)
 void tsession.tpcommit(int flags)
 byte[] tsession.tpenqueue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, EnqueueRequest ctl, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
 DequeueReply tsession.tpdequeue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, byte[] msgid, byte[] corrid, boolean doWait, boolean doPeek, int flags)
 DequeueReply tsession.tpdequeue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, int flags)
 void TypedString._tmpresend( encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 void TypedString._tmpostrecv( decoder, int recv_size)
          XDR decodes the given string.
 void TPServiceInformation.tpsend(TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          All of the parameters here are the same as in the conversation interface.
 Reply TPServiceInformation.tprecv(int flags)
          All of the parameters here are the same as in the conversation interface.
 void TPServiceInformation.tpdiscon()
          All of the parameters here are the same as in the conversation interface.
 void TypedBuffer._tmpresend( encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 void TypedBuffer._tmpostrecv( decoder, int recv_size)
          This function takes an encoded byte array and and fills in the object it corresponding object.
static void TGIOPUtil.routeSetHost( msg, java.lang.String host, int hostlen, short port, int flags)
static void TGIOPUtil.calloutSet( msg, objinfo, currObjrecv, int flags)
 void InvokeSvc.advertise(java.lang.String svc, TuxedoService func)
          This function advertises a service name and an object that should be used to service that request.
 void InvokeSvc.unadvertise(java.lang.String svc)
          This function unadvertises a service
 void TypedFML32._tmpresend( encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 void TypedFML32._tmpostrecv( decoder, int recv_size)
 void TypedFML._tmpresend( encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 void TypedFML._tmpostrecv( decoder, int recv_size)
          XDR decodes the FML buffer
 void TypedFML._tmpostrecv65( decoder)
          XDR decodes the FML buffer
 CallDescriptor ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpacall(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          routine for sending a service request.
 Reply ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpgetrply(CallDescriptor cd, int flags)
          tpgetrply() returns a reply from a previously sent request.
 Reply ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpcall(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          tpcall() sends a request and synchronously awaits its reply.
 byte[] ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpenqueue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, EnqueueRequest ctl, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          tpenqueue() stores a message on the queue named by qname in the qspace queue space.
 DequeueReply ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpdequeue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, byte[] msgid, byte[] corrid, boolean doWait, boolean doPeek, int flags)
          tpdequeue() takes a message for processing from the queue named by qname in the qspace queue space.
 DequeueReply ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpdequeue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, int flags)
          This method is the same as calling the other tpdequeue method with null for msgid and corrid and false for doWait and doPeek
 void ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpterm()
          tpterm is how this object dissasociates itself from the Tuxedo session.
 Conversation ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpconnect(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          This API is considered to be of BETA quality.
 void Conversation.tpsend(TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          This API is considered to be of BETA quality.
 Reply Conversation.tprecv(int flags)
          This API is considered to be of BETA quality.
 void Conversation.tpdiscon()
          This API is considered to be of BETA quality.
 void WSRPCRQ._tmpostrecv( decoder, int recv_size)
static Tpconvert.getClientId(java.lang.String strCltId)
 void ComposHdrTcb._tmpresend( encoder, myheader)
          This function presends and encodes the ComposHdrTcb
 void EnqueueRequest.setdeq_time(QueueTimeField deq_time)
          Sets the deq_time field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setpriority(java.lang.Integer priority)
          Sets the priority field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setexp_time(QueueTimeField exp_time)
          Sets the exp_time field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setdelivery_qos(int delivery_qos)
          Sets the delivery_qos field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setreply_qos(int reply_qos)
          Sets the reply_qos field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setmsgid(byte[] msgid)
          Sets the msgid field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setcorrid(byte[] corrid)
          Sets the corrid field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setreplyqueue(java.lang.String replyqueue)
          Sets the replyqueue field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setfailurequeue(java.lang.String failurequeue)
          Sets the failurequeue field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setTPQTOP(boolean TPQTOP)
          Sets the TPQTOP field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setTPQEXPTIME_NONE(boolean TPQEXPTIME_NONE)
          Sets the TPQEXPTIME_NONE field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.seturcode(int urcode)
          Sets the user-defined return code
 Reply TuxedoService.service(TPServiceInformation svcinfo)
          service This is the function that will be called when a service request comes from the remote domain.

Constructors in that throw TPException
TPReplyException.TPReplyException(int err, Reply aRplyRtn)
          This is the constructor that should be used when throwing an exception from the TuxedoService interface.
EnqueueRequest.EnqueueRequest(QueueTimeField deq_time, java.lang.Integer priority, QueueTimeField exp_time, int delivery_qos, int reply_qos, byte[] msgid, byte[] corrid, java.lang.String replyqueue, java.lang.String failurequeue, boolean isTPQEXPTIME_NONE, boolean isTPQTOP, int urcode)
          Creates an Enqueue Request with the given fields.

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