BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TypedBuffer   

Uses of TypedBuffer in

Methods in with parameters of type TypedBuffer
 CallDescriptor TuxedoConnection.tpacall(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          This implementation of tpacall is aware of the domain configuration files which correlate services with local and remote domains.
 byte[] TuxedoConnection.tpenqueue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, EnqueueRequest ctl, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          Much like tpacall, this looks up the remote qspace as a service offered through the domain configuration file, and once it has located the proper remote domain through which to send the enqueue request, it sends it.
 Reply TuxedoConnection.tpcall(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          This implementation of tpcall looks up the proper service using the domain configuration files and/or MBeans.
 Conversation TuxedoConnection.tpconnect(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          This implementation of tpconnect looks up the proper service using the domain configuration files and/or MBeans.

Uses of TypedBuffer in

Classes in that implement TypedBuffer
 class StandardTypes
          This class implements the common methods all of the TUXEDO standard Typed Buffers require.
 class TypedCArray
          This is the jatmi analogue to the CARRAY Tuxedo buffer type
 class TypedFML
          This implements FML in JAVA as a TypedBuffer.
 class TypedFML32
          This implements TypedFML32 in JAVA as a TypedBuffer.
 class TypedString
          This is the jatmi analogue to the STRING Tuxedo buffer type
 class TypedXML
          This is the jatmi analogue to the XML Tuxedo buffer type

Fields in declared as TypedBuffer
 TypedBuffer UserTcb.user_data

Methods in that return TypedBuffer
 TypedBuffer TuxedoReply.getReplyBuffer()
          Returns the (possibly null) typed buffer returned from a service
 TypedBuffer TPServiceInformation.getServiceData()
          Returns the service data for this service
static TypedBuffer TypedBufferFactory.createTypedBuffer(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String subtype)
static TypedBuffer TypedBufferFactory.createTypedBuffer(int hint_index, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String subtype)
 TypedBuffer Reply.getReplyBuffer()
          Returns the (possibly null) typed buffer returned from a service

Methods in with parameters of type TypedBuffer
 Conversation dsession.tpconnect(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
 void TuxedoReply.setReplyBuffer(TypedBuffer tb)
          Sets the (possibly null) typed buffer returned from a service
 CallDescriptor tsession.tpacall(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
 Reply tsession.tpcall(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
 byte[] tsession.tpenqueue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, EnqueueRequest ctl, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
 void TPServiceInformation.tpsend(TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          All of the parameters here are the same as in the conversation interface.
 CallDescriptor ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpacall(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          routine for sending a service request.
 Reply ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpcall(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          tpcall() sends a request and synchronously awaits its reply.
 byte[] ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpenqueue(java.lang.String qspace, java.lang.String qname, EnqueueRequest ctl, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          tpenqueue() stores a message on the queue named by qname in the qspace queue space.
 Conversation ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpconnect(java.lang.String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          This API is considered to be of BETA quality.
 void Conversation.tpsend(TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          This API is considered to be of BETA quality.

Constructors in with parameters of type TypedBuffer
TuxedoReply.TuxedoReply(TypedBuffer tb, int tpurcode, CallDescriptor cd)
          Constructs a reply return with the given data, tpurcode and server return code.
UserTcb.UserTcb(TypedBuffer udata)

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.