Annotation Type SessionEJB3Control.EJBLookup

public static @interface SessionEJB3Control.EJBLookup

EJBLookup specifies the target EJB's business interface for the EJB control using either the jndiName or ejbLink member.

If the ejbLink member is specified, an EJB Control in a web application would reference an EJB type using the fully qualified name of the control interface with the suffix "java". For example, a control of type controls.HelloEjbControl would resolve the EJB using the following entry in web.xml:


Optional Element Summary
 String ejbLink
          Specifies the name of the target EJB using the application relative path to the EJB JAR.
 String jndiName
          Specifies the JNDI name of the target EJB's business interface.


public abstract String jndiName
Specifies the JNDI name of the target EJB's business interface.



public abstract String ejbLink
Specifies the name of the target EJB using the application relative path to the EJB JAR. This syntax causes the runtime to use an application scoped name when locating the referenced EJB. The naming syntax is jarfile.jar#ejb-name (e.g. ejbModule.jar#HelloBean).
