Class Deserializer

  extended by com.bea.tuxedo.control.Deserializer
Direct Known Subclasses:
FieldDeserializer, StringDeserializer

public abstract class Deserializer
extends Object

A Deserializer is responsible for moving fields from a Tuxedo buffer into the arguments of the method signature. There is a specific deserializer for each type of Tuxedo buffer.

Field Summary
protected _buff
protected  TuxedoControl.AccessorName _conventions
protected  List _issues
protected  TuxedoControl.DebugLevel _logLevel
protected  TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness _mappingStrictness
Constructor Summary
Deserializer( buff, TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness strictness, List issues, TuxedoControl.AccessorName conv, TuxedoControl.DebugLevel logLev)
Method Summary
abstract  Object deserialize(Class cls, String name)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected _buff


protected TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness _mappingStrictness


protected List _issues


protected TuxedoControl.AccessorName _conventions


protected TuxedoControl.DebugLevel _logLevel
Constructor Detail


public Deserializer( buff,
                    TuxedoControl.MappingStrictness strictness,
                    List issues,
                    TuxedoControl.AccessorName conv,
                    TuxedoControl.DebugLevel logLev)
Method Detail


public abstract Object deserialize(Class cls,
                                   String name)