Deleting User Accounts

Delete a user account when an employee has left the organization or the user no longer requires access to P6.

Note: If a user has P6 Team Member module access or is associated with a resource and has actual working hours on a project, deactivate the user account instead of deleting it to avoid loss of data.

To delete a user:

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click User Administration.
  3. On the User Administration page, click Users.
  4. On the Users page:
    1. Click on the user.
    2. Click Row Actions and click Delete.
    3. Click Save.


Related Topics

Configuring User Access

Assigning Associated Resources

Assigning Global Security Profiles

Module Access Definitions

What Does the Contributor Module Access Enable a User to Access?

Assigning Module Access

Assigning Application Access to P6 EPPM for Cloud

Assigning OBS Elements to Users

Assigning Resource Access

Defining User Interface Views

Creating User Interface Views

Assigning User Interface Views

Updating Users

Deactivating User Accounts

Deleting Resources

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Last Published Wednesday, February 16, 2022