Configuring Activity View Gantt Chart Bars

Configure the bar settings for the Gantt chart view on the Activities page.

To configure activity view bars:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click Activities.
  3. On the Activities page:
    1. Click Customize View
    2. In the Manage Views dialog box, click the Bars tab.
    3. On the Bars tab click Configure.
    4. Select a theme to use a pre-configured set of colors for bars.
    5. Click a bar to configure it and then:
      • Click the Bar Type list and choose one of the available bar types.
      • Click the Height list and choose a height for the bar.
      • Select the Show Progress option to chart progress, or actual work, along the Current Bar.

        Select a Progress Color, a Bar Color, and a Progress Style to determine how progress will be shown on the bar.

      • Select Show Critical to determine that the bar will display differently if the activity is critical.

        Note: Click the Add menu and select Bar or Label to add a new bar or label. Select a bar or label and click to delete it.

    6. Click a label to configure it and then:
      • In the Label Field list, select a field.
      • In the Color field, select a text color.
      • In the Height list, select a height.

        Note: Click Preview to see how the bars and labels you have configured will look when shown with other bars.

    7. Click Apply.


Related Topics

Configuring Activity Views

Configuring Activity View Columns

Configuring Activity View Grouping

Configuring Activity View Gantt Chart

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Configuring Activity View Access

Converting Classic Views to Standard Views

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Last Published Wednesday, December 2, 2020