Resources Tab of the Administration Page


Use this tab to add resources, including assigning the resource to a role and resource team, assigning resource codes, and defining price and unit values.

Screen Elements

Group By list

Enables you to group items in the table. Grouping gathers, or groups, together all of the data that contain the same value for the selected data field.

Add menu

Sibling Resource: Adds a resource at the same level of the hierarchy as the selected resource.

Child Resource: Adds a resource as a child of the selected resource.

Actions menu

Import from Excel: Enables you to import resources from a Microsoft Excel file.

Create Import Template: Creates a Microsoft Excel file that you can use as a template for creating an import file for resources.

Full Screen

Expands the current work area so it fills the entire display.

Customize View

Opens the Customize View dialog box.


Prints the Grid View.


Searches the view or dialog box for data matching the criteria entered into the box.

Resources Table

Row Actions menu

Add Sibling Resource: Adds a resource at the same level of the hierarchy as the selected resource.

Add Child Resource: Adds a resource as a child of the selected resource.

Delete: Deletes the selected resource.

Cut: Cuts the selected resource.

Copy: Copies the selected resource.

Paste: Pastes a previously cut or copied resource into the selected area in the hierarchy.

Fill Down: Copies the data from the first cell selected to all other selected cells in the same column. Use CTRL or SHIFT to select multiple cells.

Expand: Expands the selected branch of the resource hierarchy.

Collapse: Collapses the selected branch of the resource hierarchy.

Move Up: Moves the selected item up within the same level in the hierarchical arrangement.

Move Down: Moves the selected item down within the same level in the hierarchical arrangement.

Move Right: Moves the selected item one level lower in the hierarchical arrangement.

Move Left: Moves the selected item one level higher in the hierarchical arrangement.

Active option

Determines whether the resource is currently active. A selected option indicates the resource is active.

Non-active resources might have left the organization, but are not deleted from the system since they might have actual hours.

Added By field

The name of the user who added this resource in the system.

Added Date field

The date this resource record was created.

Auto Compute Actuals option

Determines whether the activity actual and remaining units, and start and finish dates for the resource are calculated automatically using the planned dates, planned units, and the activity's schedule percent complete.

If this option is selected, the actual/remaining units and actual dates are automatically updated when project actuals are applied. This assumes that all work by the resource proceeds according to plan.

Note: This option is not available if the Uses Timesheets option is selected.

Calculate Costs from Units option

Determines whether by default any new assignments for this resource will have its costs recalculated whenever any quantity changes occur.

Calendar field

The name of the calendar selected for the resource.

Currency field

The preferred currency for viewing monetary values.

For example, US Dollars or Japanese Yen.

Default Units/Time field

The default units/time for resource assignments in projects, which is shown as either a percentage or units/duration depending on your settings in My Preferences.

If you change the default setting, existing resource assignments are not affected. The default setting only applies to new resource assignments.

Email field

The email address for the resource.

Employee ID field

The resource identifier within the organization, typically the employee number or social security number.

Integrated Resource field

Indicates whether the resource came from another Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that is integrated with this application. A blank field indicates that this is not an integrated resource.

ERP indicates the resource is integrated with another ERP system.

Last Modified By field

The name of the user who last updated the resource record.

Last Modified Date field

The date the record was last updated.

Location field

The geographical location.

Notes field

The additional information captured for the associated resource.

Office Phone field

The office phone number for the resource.

Other Phone field

The alternate phone numbers for the resource.

Overtime Allowed option

Determines whether the resource is allowed to log overtime hours.

Overtime Factor field

The overtime factor used to compute the overtime price for the resource. The default overtime factor is 1.5.

Calculated as Standard Price multiplied by Overtime Factor.

Parent Resource field

A resource categorized at a higher level than the current resource, in a resource hierarchy.

The parent resource is generally the larger department or organization for which you work.

For example, a salesperson might be assigned to an element of the resource hierarchy called Region 1 Sales.

Primary Role field

The name of the primary job title or skill for the resource.

Resource ID field

The unique identifier of the resource.

Resource Name field

The name of the resource.

Resource Teams field

The list of resource teams to which the resource is assigned.

Resource Type list

The resource type. Valid values are:

Labor: Indicates that the selected resource performs labor, measured in units of time.

Nonlabor: Indicates that the selected resource does not perform labor, measured in units of time. Equipment is a nonlabor resource.

Material: Indicates that the resource has a unit of measure other than time. You can select a unit of measure for the material resource.

Timesheet Approval Manager field

The resource manager assigned to approve timesheets for the resource.

Title field

The job title for the resource.

For example, a resource may have the title Senior Engineer.

Unit of Measure field

The unit of measure used for the material resource.

User Login field

The login name for the timesheet user login.

Uses Timesheets option

Determines whether the labor resource uses timesheets to record hours for assigned activities.

This option is not available if the Auto Compute Actuals option is selected.

Resource Codes menu

The fields specific to your company's use. These fields are created by the system administrator.

Resource User Defined fields

The fields defined by your P6 administrator that are not standard in the application but are necessary to capture additional data.


Enables you to download the view as an Excel file. For hierarchical data, the top level and any expanded levels are downloaded. For flat lists, all columns are downloaded.

Collapse Dock

Collapses the dock.

Show/Hide Tabs

Enables you to configure which tabs are shown and hidden.

Resource Tab detail windows:

General Detail Window of the Resources Tab of the Administration Page

Resource Teams Detail Window of the Resources Tab of the Administration Page

Roles Detail Window of the Resources Tab of the Administration Page

Codes Detail Window of the Resources Tab of the Administration Page

Units and Prices Detail Window of the Resources Tab of the Administration Page

Settings Detail Window of the Resources Tab of the Administration Page

UDF Detail Window of the Resources Tab of the Administration Page

Getting Here

  1. Click Resources.
  2. On the Resources navigation bar, click Administration.
  3. On the Administration page, click the Resources tab.

Related Topics

About Resources

Adding Resources

Assigning a Role to a Resource

Assigning a Resource Team to a Resource

Configuring Resource Settings

Assigning Calendars to Resources

Configuring Timesheet Reporting for Resources

Assigning Resource Codes

Assigning Resource Rates

Assigning Resource Curves to Resource or Role Assignments from the Resources Assignments Page

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021