Configuring Timesheet Reporting for Resources

Configure timesheet reporting if some users will report progress using the Timesheets tab in P6 Team Member Web.

To configure timesheet reporting for a resource:

  1. If the resource is not already defined as a user in the system:
    1. Add the user.
    2. Assign the resource to the new user.
  2. Enable access to P6 Team Member Web by selecting the Team Member module access options.
  3. Enable access to timesheets by selecting the Timesheet module access option.
  4. Configure timesheet options for the resource if you are implementing non-automatic approval.


For faster setup of timesheet reporting, configure settings on the Timesheets page of the Application Settings pane, located on the Administer menu. Use these options to designate a default approval manager whenever you create a new resource.

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Configuring Resource Settings for Timesheet Reporting

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Importing Resource Data

Deleting Resources

Creating User Accounts for P6 EPPM

Assigning Associated Resources

Assigning Module Access

Configuring Resource Settings for Timesheet Reporting

Configuring Timesheets Settings

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