Configuring Timesheets Settings

Configure timesheets settings to specify default setup options for timesheets in P6 Team Member Web. You can specify general timesheets settings and how timesheets are approved before project data is updated.

To configure timesheets settings:

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click Application Settings.
  3. On the Application Settings page, click Timesheets.
  4. On the Timesheets page:
    1. In the General Settings section, select options.
    2. In the Timesheet Approval Level section, select an approval type.

      Note: If you select the Two approval levels option, you can also add the stipulation that the Project Manager must approve first.

    3. In the Default Resource manager approving timesheets when one or two approval levels requried field, click Select User.
    4. Click Save and Close.

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021