General Section of the Global Tab of the My Preferences Page


Use this section to modify general preferences.

Screen Elements

Detail Settings section

Maximum number of rows displayed in each section field

For pages with standard lists of data (not tables), the number of rows that display together before the list is divided.

Generally, the lower the number, the better the performance because the user interface is displaying fewer rows of data.

Maximum number of rows displayed in trees and pick lists field

This field controls the number of elements that display in hierarchical lists, such as the EPS/project hierarchy in the Open Projects dialog box.

If the number of items available to display exceeds the maximum you specify, a message appears to inform you that you are viewing only a partial list.

Earned Value Settings section

Calculate performance and earned value information by

Select from one of the following options to calculate performance and earned value information. Calculate Performance and Earned Value Information lets you choose whether to display earned value information, performance indicators, and indices based on cost or labor units. For example, when you display earned value information on the Portfolios Performance Status tab, you will see either Costs or Labor Units data, depending on how you set this preference.

Cost: Select to display earned value information, performance indicators, and indices based on cost.

Labor Units: Select to display earned value information, performance indicators, and indices based on labor units.

Display actual and earned value using financial period data option

Display actual and earned value using financial period data lets you choose to view information based on past period actuals data that has been stored for custom financial periods. This option applies to the histogram and spreadsheet displays in the Portfolios Gantt Chart, Projects Team Usage view, and Resources Usage view.

When you choose this option, stored financial period values for actuals are distributed evenly from the start to the finish date defined for a financial period and earned value calculations are based on these stored period quantities.

If you do not choose this option, actuals data is spread evenly from the actual start to the data date or actual finish date of the activity or assignment.

Note: If you choose this option but period performance has not been stored, total reported actuals display in the timescale period representing the data date. For more information, contact your P6 administrator or Project Management Office.

If projects are summarized by financial period (which is controlled in Application Settings in P6), this option is ignored. When projects are summarized by financial period and you display a financial period timescale, the profile displays past period actual values if performance has been stored for a financial period; for financial periods that do not have stored performance, the profile displays all unit and cost values in financial period intervals.

Dissolve Activity Settings

Retain lag

Select this option if you would prefer that lag is retained when you dissolve activities.

If you select to retain lag while dissolving activities, the lag from the predecessor relationship with the dissolved activity is added to the lag from the relationship with the successor relationship and applied to the new relationship created between the new predecessor and successor activities.

Getting Here

  1. Click the User menu and select My Preferences.
  2. On the My Preferences page, click the Global tab.
  3. On the Global, tab select General.

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021