Email Notifications Section of the Global Tab of the My Preferences Page


Use this section to configure email notifications for issues and resource assignments..

Screen Elements

Issues section

Send me a notification when

Use the following options to determine whether you receive a notification and when.

Issues are added with priority of option

Determines whether issues that are added with a priority equal to or higher than the value you specify, generate notifications.

Issues are assigned issue code field

The issue code that will cause a notification to be sent when it is assigned to an issue. If you select this option you must select an issue code in the issue code field.

Issues are modified option

Determines whether notifications are sent when issues are modified.

Only notify me about Issues for Projects if I

The following options determine whether you are notified about issues for Projects when one or multiple selections are made:

have project access rights option

Determines whether you are notified about issues for Projects if you have Project access rights.

have issue access rights option

Determines whether you are notified about issues for Projects if you have Issue access rights.

am the Project Owner option

Determines whether you are notified about issues for Projects if you are the Project Owner.

am the Issue Owner option

Determines whether you are notified about issues for Projects if you are the Issue Owner.

am assigned as a resource to that activity option

Determines whether you are notified about issues for Projects if you are assigned as a resource to the specified activity.

Resource Assignments section

Send email to resources upon adding or removing assignments option

When a resource is replaced on an activity, an email is sent to the removed resource and to the replacement resource.

When the automatic email option is on, confirmation messages are sent to you, indicating the names of the recipients. If a resource does not have an email address stored in the project database, no email can be sent. In this case, you will know that the resource was not notified because you will not receive a confirmation message with that resource's name.

Prompt before sending email option

Determines whether to prompt you before sending an email.

Getting Here

  1. Click the User menu and select My Preferences.
  2. On the My Preferences page, click the Global tab.
  3. On the Global tab, select Email Notifications.

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Customizing My Preferences Global Preferences

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021