Display Format Section of Global Tab of the My Preferences Page


Use this section to specify a currency, date, time, duration, time units and units/time settings to be used throughout the application.

Note: P6 calculates and stores time unit values in hourly increments. When you specify a display time increment other than hours, P6 uses the Hours per Time Period or the assigned calendar to convert hours to the time increment you specify. The Use assigned calendar to specify the number of work hours for each time period option on the Time Periods page of the Application Settings pane in P6 determines whether the Hours per Time Period or the assigned calendar is used.

Screen Elements

Currency field

The preferred currency for viewing monetary values.

For example, US Dollars or Japanese Yen.

Show decimal places option

Determines whether to display decimal places.

Show currency symbol option

Determines whether to display the chosen currency symbol.

Date format list

Determines how dates will display in the application. Your selection determines the order of the day, month, and year.

Four digit year option

Determines whether years are displayed as four-digit numbers.

Month name option

Determines whether the month name is displayed in place of a month number.

Leading zeros option

Determines whether months and days are displayed as two-digit numbers.

Separator list

Determines whether a forward slash, hyphen, or period is used to separate dates in the application.

Duration Format list

Select to display durations from the following options:

Hour: Durations will display in hours.

Day: Durations will display in days.

Week: Durations will display in weeks.

Month: Durations will display in months.

Year: Durations will display in years.

Show sub units option

Determines whether to show sub units. Select the Show sub units option to display sub units in the next smaller time increment.

Show duration label option

Determines whether to show the time unit abbreviation with the duration value.

Decimal places list

Select to display 0, 1, or 2 decimal places.

Time units format list

Determines which time unit is used to display time in the application:

Hour: Time units will display in hours.

Day: Time units will display in days.

Week: Time units will display in weeks.

Month: Time units will display in months.

Year: Time units will display in years.

Show sub units option

Determines whether to show sub units. Select the Show sub units option to display sub units in the next smaller time increment.

Show unit label option

Determines whether to show the unit abbreviation with time units.

Decimal places list

Select to display 0, 1, or 2 decimal places.

Units/Time Format

Select one of the following to display resource units/time:

Show as a percentage: Determines whether units/time will display as a percentage.

Show as units/duration: Determines whether units/time will display as units/duration.

For example, if Robert is assigned a limit of eight hours/day and you assign him to a task at a maximum limit of two hours/day, you can display this information one of two ways: as 2h/d or as 25 percent of his resource limit (since he is only assigned to this task for two of his allotted eight hours per day).

Display Density list

Determines the density of information shown in the application:

Compact: Reduces the vertical space around data, to allow you to see more data at once.

Cozy: A compromise between showing a lot of data and allowing differentiation between lines of data.

Comfortable: Maximizes the vertical space around data, to make it easier for you to use P6 on a touch-operated device.

Show report accessibility warning option

Clear this option to disable the warning which appears when you run a report in a format other than HTML.

Specify how to display code values option

Determines whether to show code values as the code value or the code description.

Getting Here

  1. Click the User menu and select My Preferences.
  2. On the My Preferences page, click the Global tab.
  3. On the Global tab, select Display Format.

Related Topics

About My Preferences

Working with My Preferences

Customizing My Preferences Global Preferences

Customizing Global Currency Preferences

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021