Exporting Projects to Excel

You can export the list of projects in your EPS view to a Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) file.

To export projects:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click EPS.
  3. On the EPS page:
    1. Select an EPS view from the Views list.
    2. Configure the EPS view to determine what data is exported.
    3. Click Download.
    4. In the Opening dialog box, choose whether to open or save the file.


Related Topics

About Importing and Exporting Projects

Configuring Microsoft Project Templates

Configuring UN/CEFACT Templates

Importing Projects using Primavera XML Format

Exporting Projects using Primavera XML Format

Importing Projects using Microsoft Project XML

Exporting Projects using Microsoft Project XML

Exporting Projects using UN/CEFACT XML

Configuring EPS Views

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