Manage Dashboards Page


Use this page to view all dashboards available in your user interface view and those that are currently displayed on the Dashboards page.

Note: This page displays the global and multi-user dashboards available to you as defined in your view settings, along with your private, user dashboards. If you have the appropriate rights, you can modify the list of available dashboards that display on this page.

Screen Elements

Create Dashboard link

Enables you to create a new dashboard based on another dashboard or the default dashboard settings.

Search field

The text or numeric value you want to use to search for portfolio views by name.

This is an incremental search field. As you type, the list of entries is refreshed and matching portfolio view names automatically expand in the list. To reset the list, clear the Search field.

For example, enter budget or just bu to find all views with the word "Budget" in their names.

Title field

The name of the dashboard.

You can click the hyperlink to open the Customize Dashboard page.

Filter field

The portfolio, project, or project code filter defined for the dashboard.

Available To field

Indicates the user access for each dashboard.

Global: All users can view the dashboard.

User: Only you can access the dashboard.

Multiple Users: A select group of users, including you, have access to the dashboard.

Created By field

The login name of the person who created the dashboard.

Date Created

The date and time the dashboard was created.

Move Down

Moves the selected item one level lower in the hierarchical arrangement.

Move Up

Moves the selected item one level higher in the hierarchical arrangement.

Delete link

Removes the selected item.

Getting Here

Click the Dashboards menu and select Manage Dashboards.

Related Topics

About Dashboards

Working with Dashboards

Creating Dashboards

Customizing Dashboards

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021