Viewing Activities

The application automatically displays all active activities assigned to you by your project manager. There are filtering, sorting, and project selection options that can be used in combination to enable you to refine your list and status your activities more efficiently.

To modify your activity view:

  1. View activities for a select group of projects by selecting the Projects list and choosing one or more projects. Once you make your selection, select another area of the application to close the list, or press Esc.


    • Use ctrl or shift to select multiple items.
    • If you have selected only one Project, you can use the WBS list to choose one or more WBS elements.
  2. Set your filtering preferences by selecting one of the following options in the Status list.

    Active: Displays all activities that are currently assigned to you and are not marked complete.

    Due: Displays all the activities that you are scheduled to complete today.

    Overdue: Displays all active activities where the current date is past the due date.

    Completed: Displays all activities that were marked complete and the Finished date is within the last 30 days.

    Starred: Displays all active activities that you starred. Starred activities signify importance. For example, you can star all your high priority activities. Or, you can star all activities you are currently working on to make it easier to view your current workload.

  3. Select a Timeframe option to customize the list to a specified period of time. For example, if you select All projects where the Status equals Due and the Time frame is This Week, then you will see the activities for all your projects that are due in the next seven days.

    Note: You cannot choose a Time frame when the Status option is Overdue or Starred.

  4. Select whether you want to filter activities according to the assigned Resources. You can choose to view activities where one or more resources are assigned as the Primary Resource, or activities for all resources.


    • Use ctrl or shift to select multiple resources.
    • You can type into this field to search for a resource (except on a touch device).
  5. Select a Sort By option and order. For example, you can sort all the activities in your view according to the Finish Date, in descending order to see the activities which are due to finish soonest at the top of the list.
  6. Select Filters to apply to the view.
  7. Enter search criteria in the Search field to locate an activity or group of activities. The search retrieves matches for activities that include all words entered in the Filter field as you type.


Step me through...

Assigning Activities

Starting Activities

Updating Activities

Updating Activities for Other Resources

Sending Email About an Activity

Starring Activities

Completing Activities

Changing Completed Activities to In Progress

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Working with Activities

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Last Published Wednesday, December 2, 2020