Creating the Database Tablespaces

To create database tablespaces:

  1. Log into Oracle as a SYSTEM or other DBA privileged user.
  2. Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release_level> and run the orppm_init_db.sql script.

    The script creates the following tablespaces:

    • PMDB_DAT1
    • PMDB_NDX1
    • PMDB_LOB1

    If you want to change the tablespace names, modify the orppm_init_db.sql script.


    • Do not use special characters in the database name, privileged user, or public user name, for example: { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ | / \ ~ `
    • Instead of running the orppm_init_db.sql script, you can manually create a database with system, temporary, and undo tablespaces. Oracle recommends that you create a database with a 500 MB temporary tablespace and a 500 MB undo tablespace. Make sure that the Oracle client can connect to the database. Refer to your Oracle Database documentation if you are unfamiliar with this process.

Related Topics

Creating the P6 Professional Database Structure

Copying the Script Files to a Local Drive

Grant Privileges to the SYSTEM User

Creating Users and Tables

Installing Sample Data and Creating Your P6 Professional Admin Superuser Password

Creating Remaining P6 Professional Database Objects

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Last Published Thursday, March 18, 2021