Grant Privileges to the SYSTEM User

Complete the following steps to grant privileges to the SYSTEM or another DBA user:

  1. Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release_level> and open manual_script_before_install.sql in a text editor.

    This script grants sys.DBMS_REPUTIL, sys.DBA_VIEWS, sys.DBMS_LOB, sys.DBMS_SQL, sys.DBMS_JOB, sys.DBMS_RANDOM, sys.DBA_EXTENTS privileges to the SYSTEM user (or another DBA user), which will be validated during database installation.

  2. Modify all schema user references to match your actual schema user name.
  3. If you use another DBA account for database install, update the references to SYSTEM with the actual DBA account you will use for the install.
  4. From the command line, run sqlplus sys/@<DBNAME> as sysdba and enter the password when prompted.

    where <DBNAME> is the Net Service Name for your database, which can be found in your $ORACLE_HOME\NETWORK\ADMIN\TNSNAMES.ORA file.

  5. Go to \database\scripts\install\PPM_<release level> and run manual_script_before_install.sql.

    For example, at the SQL prompt, enter @C:\P6_Professional_Database\database\scripts\install\PPM_15_01_00\manual_script_before_install.sql.

Related Topics

Creating the P6 Professional Database Structure

Copying the Script Files to a Local Drive

Creating the Database Tablespaces

Creating Users and Tables

Installing Sample Data and Creating Your P6 Professional Admin Superuser Password

Creating Remaining P6 Professional Database Objects

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Last Published Thursday, March 18, 2021