Configure DCOM for the Distributed Job Service

To configure DCOM for the Distributed Job Service on servers running Windows Servers perform the following steps for the Controller and each DJS server.

  1. From the command line (or Start, Run utility), run dcomcnfg. The Component Services dialog is displayed.
  2. In the Component Services dialog, expand the tree in the left panel by clicking Component Services, Computers, My Computer, DCOM Config.
  3. Right click on the {9E521861-5A76-11D5-98F4-00C04F680F1F} entry in the right panel and select Properties.
  4. In the Properties dialog, General tab, set the Authentication Level to Connect.

    Note: Make sure the Controller and all DJS servers are set to the same Authentication Level. You can set Connect as the Default Authentication Level in the Default Properties tab of the Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog.

  5. In the Properties dialog, Location tab, select the Run application on this computer option.
  6. In the Properties dialog, Security tab, ensure that the Customize options are selected for all permission types.
  7. In the Properties dialog, Security tab, click the Edit button associated with Launch and Activation Permissions.
  8. In the Launch Permission dialog, Security tab, click Add.
  9. In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog, enter the user group name you created previously (for example, PrmAdmins). Click OK.
  10. In the Launch Permission dialog, Security tab, select the user group you added (for example, PrmAdmins), and select Allow for all permissions. Click OK.
  11. In the Properties dialog, Security tab, click the Edit button associated with Access Permissions.
  12. In the Access Permission dialog, Security tab, click Add.
  13. In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog, enter the user group name you created previously (for example, PrmAdmins). Click OK.
  14. In the Access Permission dialog, Security tab, select the user group you added (for example, PrmAdmins), and select Allow for all permissions. Then click OK.
  15. In the Properties dialog, Security tab, click the Edit button associated with Configuration Permissions.
  16. In the Change Configuration Permission dialog, Security tab, click Add.
  17. In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog, enter the user group name you created previously (for example, PrmAdmins). Click OK.
  18. In the Change Configuration Permission dialog, Security tab, select the user group you added (for example, PrmAdmins), and ensure that permissions are set as shown in the following figure. Then click OK.
  19. In the Properties dialog, Identity tab, select the This User option. Enter the Password for a user who has administrative privileges on the machine you are using.
  20. Click OK to close the dialog.
  21. On the Controller, launch the Services Control Panel.
  22. In the Services dialog, double-click the P6 Job Service (JSDB) to open the Properties dialog.
  23. In the Properties dialog, select This Account and enter the password of an administrative user on the Controller.

    Note: Steps 21 - 23 enable the DJS to use the name and password of the administrator you specified during DCOM configuration as the launching user for all servers.

  24. Click OK to close the dialog.

Related Topics

Configuring Distributed Job Service

Distributed Job Service Overview

Prepare the Controller and DJS Servers for Installation and Configuration

Installing the Distributed Job Service

Disabling the Windows Firewall

Configure Access to the Distributed Job Service

Configure the Controller and DJS Servers

Job Service Registry Settings

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Last Published Friday, March 19, 2021