About P6 Visualizer Layouts

Use P6 Visualizer to create layouts and to draw TSLDs, Gantt charts and Schedule Comparisons.

TSLDs allows more than one activity per row, which condenses the entire project plan and the chains of activities that drive the project schedule. TSLDs present a graphic depiction of activities and the overall logic of a project according to time.

Use the Gantt chart to view a graphical display of the open project's schedule information or the order in which activities occur over the course of the project. The Gantt chart shows each activity's duration, using the timescale specified, as a horizontal bar. A line connecting activity bars indicates a relationship.

Use the Grid to create a list of activities and activity information quickly when you don't need to see the information graphically over time. You can group activities in categories that share a common attribute, for example, focus on activities by resource, responsibility, or date. Once you organize activities into groups, you can summarize or "roll up" project data to simplify their presentation. You can sort activities to arrange them in the order that you specify. For example, to view activities chronologically, you might sort them by start date.

Use the Gantt Chart with the Grid to view activities both graphically and in table format, to establish relationships between activities, so you can see how changing activity duration affects the start and finish dates of other activities and the project finish date, and to track progress by comparing planned and actual start and finish dates and by checking the percentage of each activity that is complete

Use the Schedule Comparison to generate a report that compares selected data fields in a revised project and its corresponding original project or a revised project and a corresponding baseline. For each comparison report, you can specify the project and activity data fields you want to compare, choose the format of the report output file, and specify whether you want to group activity data by activity, rather than by data type.

When you draw a layout, it appears in the P6 Visualizer workspace on the Diagram page. You can immediately modify the layout by changing settings on the Options page.

Related Topics

Working with P6 Visualizer Layouts

Working with P6 Visualizer Reports

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021