Defining Bar Formats

Use this task to specify the basic method to position bars in the layout, to specify bar size and color, and to choose and format bar labels.

Before you begin this task, open the Layout Options page as described in one of the following tasks:

It is from the context of those tasks that you click the Bars & Labels tab to define the bar formatting and content.

When you finish the following task, resume at the step in the applicable previous task where you left off.

  1. On the Bars & Labels tab of the Layout Options page:
    1. In the Available Bars list, select the bar you want to use.

      You can add or delete bars by clicking Add or Delete.
      You can reorder bars using the up and down arrows. The order of the list determines the order in which the bars are drawn.

      Note: You can simplify the process of creating a bar by selecting an existing bar and clicking Copy, then modifying the new bar.

  2. Click Bars View to customize the bar using the palettes.
    1. Use the Bars & Endpoints palette to add, delete, and select the focus area - start endpoint, bar, or finish endpoint.
    2. Use the Properties palette to select a bar type and usage.
    3. Use the Arrangement palette to define the row position, vertical alignment position, and snaps.
    4. Use the Shape palette to define the shape and height of bars and endpoints.
    5. Use the Fill palette to to define the color and pattern of bars and endpoints. If Gradient fill is selected, you can not define patterns.
    6. Use the Bar Necking palette to choose whether calendar nonwork time and activity nonwork intervals are shown, to define the height of nonwork time bars. and to configure the display ratio of nonwork time to work time, as a percentage.
    7. Use the Color by Code palette to choose whether bars are colored by activity code value and to define colors.

      Note: Color changes are saved to the database. To edit global activity code colors, you must have the Edit Global Activity Codes privilege. To edit EPS activity code colors, you must have the Edit EPS Activity Codes privilege. To edit project activity code colors, you must have the Edit Project Activity Codes privilege.

    8. Use the Border palette to define the color, thickness, style, and cap style.
    9. Use the Filters palette to apply filters defined in the Filters tab of the Layout Options page.
  3. Click Labels View to customize the bar label using the palettes.
    1. Use the Label Assignments palette to add, delete, or re-position a label and to choose the field for the label. By default, Activity ID is the selected field when you add a new assignment. Also use this palette to define the arrangement for the currently selected position.
    2. Use the Font palette to define the font family, font style, size, and color of text associated with the bar labels.
    3. Use the Properties palette to chose whether to wrap text up to a number of lines you specify and specify the maximum width of a label for plain text fields. When you select an HTML field, such as Notebook topics, you can define the width and height. You can select Apply to All to make the settings in this palette the same for each label type, for plain text or HTML, in the currently selected bar.
  4. Use the Full Preview area to view the way all selected bars will draw in the diagram.

    Note: To expand or collapse a palette to customize options, select the arrow button or click anywhere on the palette's title bar. You cannot resize palettes.

Related Topics

Working with Bar Formats

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021