About Lines

You can specify and customize relationship lines. Relationship lines show relationships between activities. You can choose to show no relationship lines, all relationship lines, or driving relationship lines. A driving relationship occurs when a predecessor drives the early start and finish dates of its successors. If you show driving relationship lines only, non-driving lines are hidden in the diagram. To help distinguish between the types of relationships, relationship lines are drawn using different styles and colors, depending on the type of line: non-driving, non-critical; driving, non-critical; and critical. You can customize the style and color for each type of line. You can also customize the line drawing style and maximum radius. When creating a TSLD, you can use quick routing.

You can choose to show connection details for all visible activities, for external relationships, and filtered activities. You can customize the shape, border, and font for each connection. Showing all visible activities will display the selected information for all activities that are not filtered or external to the currently selected projects. Only successor information is shown. Use this setting to show Project ID, Activity ID, relationship lag, and type. Showing external activities will display the selected information for each predecessor and successor of an activity, one level deep, for any relationships outside of the currently selected projects. Showing filtered activities will display the selected information for each predecessor and successor of an activity, one deep, for any relationships that are not displayed because of activities that have been filtered.

You can choose to show and customize a data date line that uses the earliest data date of all selected projects.

You can choose to show borders to identify all bars drawn for each activity. You can customize the style and color for the border.

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Working with Lines

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021