About Page Setup

Page setup provides standard fields and options for selecting page orientation and for entering margin sizes. When creating a TSLD, you can select to show on screen the page breaks that will occur when the diagram is printed.

You also use page setup to specify the following size criteria to facilitate readability and visibility:

In general, as the number of activities increase, using larger paper sizes and more horizontal sheets or a higher resolution produce an easier to read diagram.

In addition, you can use page setup to enter and select information relevant to the title block. You can elect to not show the title block, to show on all pages, show only on the first page, or show only on the last page. You can show dates, bars, lines, and activity codes legends in the header or footer.

For TSLDs, you can also use page setup to specify the maximum number of rows you would like related activity to be positioned from each other.

Related Topics

Working with Page Setup

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