About Consent Notices

Consent notices alert you to the need to protect personal information (PI). You and your organization might be collecting, processing, storing, and transmitting PI while using P6 Visualizer. When you accept a consent notice, your consent covers the collection, processing, storing, and transmission of PI data in all areas of P6 Visualizer and means of retrieving data from P6 Visualizer including but not limited to exporting layouts, printing layouts, and reports..

You may be asked to provide consent to show that you understand the need to treat PI as secure data. You may also be asked to provide consent for your organization to collect, process, store, and transmit your PI. If you refuse consent, you will be denied access to P6 Visualizer.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by clicking Forget All User Acceptance on the Personal Information tab in User Preferences in P6 Professional.

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021