Configuring WebCenter Content

These instructions contain information only on configuring WebCenter Content to work with Unifier. They do not include information on installing WebCenter Content. For WebCenter Content installation instructions, see the documentation included with WebCenter Content. Refer to the Unifier Tested Configurations document for supported version levels.

Note: Folders_g is no longer supported. See Migrating Folders_g Contents to FrameworkFolders section, if you are migrating to the latest Unifier release.

To configure Oracle WebCenter Content:

  1. Log in to WebCenter Content as an administrative user (for example, http://server:16200/cs).
  2. Select the following configuration options:
    1. In the Server Socket Port field, enter 4444.
    2. In the Incoming Socket Connection Address Security Filter= field, enter:|10.*.*.*.
    3. In the FullText Search Option field, select: External.
    4. Restart the managed server.
  3. Log in to the WebCenter Content managed server as an administrative user.
  4. Go to Administration, Admin Applets and select the User Admin applet.
  5. Create a new user. (This documentation will call this user unifier).
  6. Assign the user the admin and sysmanager roles.
  7. Under Administration, select Admin Server.
  8. In the Admin Server screen, select Component Manager then select advanced component manager.
  9. Ensure that the FrameworkFolders is present in the Enabled components list. If not present, select the FrameworkFolders from the Disable components list and click Enable. The "Folders_g" component is not supported.

Related Topics

Configuring WebCenter Content in Unifier Configurator

Migrating Folders_g Contents to FrameworkFolders

About Connecting the Content Repository

Prerequisites for Configuring a Content Repository and Unifier

Configuring Oracle Database Content Repository

Configuring Microsoft SharePoint

Configuring CMIS-Compliant Content Repository

Configuring the Unifier File Repository


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Last Published Thursday, February 4, 2021