Update Complete BP Record


This method updates a record in Unifier. It also provides the ability to add attachments to the upper form. It will not delete existing attachments.


This service is available at both Company Level and Project or Shell Level BPs of type non-workflow Line Item type and can only update information on upper form. Line items will be ignored. Additionally the service is also available at Project or Shell Level for Cost (Non-Payment type), Simple, Text type and Document Type (Basic and Advanced) business process. In these cases, too, the service can only update information on upper form. Line items will be ignored.


ASP and Self host


Yes or No

Company Level


Project and Shell Level



public XMLObject updateCompleteBPRecord(String shortname, String authcode, string projectNumber, String BPName, String BPXML, String iszipfile, FileObject[] fileobjects );





identifier of the company, company’s short name


authentication key for the company, in text string


Identifier of the project or shell in Unifier.


Identifier of the BP


Content of the BP that needs to be updated


This tag identifies if the file provided under the fileobjects tag is a zip file or not. Values for this tag are "yes" or "no".


Array of FileObjects, each FileObject is made up of two components:

String filename (this should be the same name as in the record data <_attachment><filename> tag, and javax.activation.DataHandler as filestream. Files can be sent as a single zipped file or individual files..

BPXML Elements

The BPXML Elements are based on BP design. So in order to use this method user has to first use getBPRecord service. getBPRecord service will provide user with valid XML elements that are part of BP design.

If you want to update record for a BP at company level then do not pass projectnumber parameter.

If you send invalid projectnumber then you will get an error.

<record_no> tag as part of <_bp> element is required while send updateBPRecord message.

Attachments can be added only to the upper form.

Files can be sent as a single zipped file or individual files for the complete transaction record, the same file can be referenced multiple times in the same transaction. However, files contained in the zip file should still be described by separate attachment elements.


This API requires Integration Design to be published in uDesigner for the business process.

Attachment file cross references is not supported. The reference sub element under attachments should always have the value ‘No’.

Adding attachments is optional. If attachment elements are not provided, then the API behaves exactly like updateBPRecord API.

Note: This API is not compatible with non Java web services client platforms.

Total attachment size per request across all files is limited to 250 MB. It is recommended that files are compressed into 1 zip file for submission to the API.

This service can be used for both Project (Standard) and Shells of cost code type CBS and Generic.

Return Value

See Return Values

Related Topics

Business Process (BP) Methods

Update Complete BP Record (Additional Information)

Create BP Record

Create Complete BP Record

Add BP Line Item

Add Complete BP Line Item

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Update BP Record V2

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Get Complete BP Record

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