Create Complete BP Record


This method can be used to create new business process records with attachments in Unifier based on Integration design that has been defined in uDesigner. It allows attachments to be added to the upper form and line items.

Note: If you want to create a BP record with line item information with attachments, then you should use this service. If this is a cost related BP, line items will be rolled up to the cost sheet.


This process supports all type of BPs


ASP and Self host


Yes or No

Company Level


Project and Shell Level



public XMLObject createCompleteBPRecord(String shortname, String authcode, string projectNumber, String BPName, String BPXML, String iszipfile, FileObject[] fileobjects );





identifier of the company, company’s short name


authentication key for the company, in text string


Identifier of the project or shell in Unifier. If you want to create a BP record at Company level then pass null for this parameter.


Identifier of the business process in Unifier, for example: Invoice. This is case sensitive, and should be the name as given in uDesigner


identifier for BP content in XML format


Array of FileObjects, each FileObject is made up of two components:

String filename (this should be the same name as in the record data <_attachment><filename> tag, and javax.activation.DataHandler as filestream. Files can be sent as a single zipped file or individual files.


Identifies if the file provided under the fileobjects tag is a zip file. The value for this tag is "yes" or "no".

Yes to allow zip file as an attachment. Otherwise, select No.

Note: Only .zip file format is acceptable. When using .zip file as an attachment, you should attach one zip file at a time that includes a single attachment of each file in the zip file.

BPXML Elements

The elements that include as part of BPXML parameters is dependent on the Integration interface design of your BP in uDesigner. XML format can be exported (downloaded) from uDesigner. Elements with direction marked as "Input" or "Both" will be part of XML format.

Note that elements lists should be send based on the type of BP and your design in uDesigner.

Following a list of elements that can be included as part of integration design in uDesigner and behavior when you include them. Note that elements lists should be sent based on the type of BP for which you are creating a record.

Tag Name

BP Type




Amount is a required field if you are sending line item information under _bp_lineitems. You will see same value on Unifier.



a) If BP uses a status field then you can send status tag.

b) If the BP is a workflow based then the record will be created and will stay in the initial status that is valid. User has to go through remaining workflow process.

c) If it is non-workflow based then the message can send a valid status and the record will take that status. If there is only one status defined for the BP then by default that status will be picked even if user sends a wrong status value.



You can send record number by using this tag.

If you do not specify a record_no tag as part of message then a new record will be created. Unifier will assign a record number.

If you specify a record_no then system will create a record with the given record number. If the record number is a duplicate number then an error message will be send back as response.

If the record_no is specified and if it does not exists then a new record will be created.


Simple BP, Text BP, Line Item BP, Cost BP, Document Type BPs

Multiple attachment elements can be added to the upper form and to line items (if applicable). The attachment element contains sub elements that identify:

File name


Revision Number

Issue Date




Text BP

Enter the responses (comments) associated with the BP record.


All BPs that support Summary line items other than Summary Payment Application BPs of Base Commit, Change Commit and Payment Applications.

Use to specify group name.

Return Value

See Return Values. This is dependent on which WSDL you are going to use. If you use WSDL –1 then you should expect XMLObject as return value and if you use WSDL – 2 then you should expect XMLFileObject as return value.

Related Topics

Business Process (BP) Methods

Create Complete BP Record (Additional Information)

Create BP Record

Add BP Line Item

Add Complete BP Line Item

Update BP Record

Update Complete BP Record

Update BP Record V2

Get BP Record

Get BP List

Get Complete BP Record

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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022