Create Complete BP Record (Additional Information)

This topic includes additional information about creating complete BP records.

Acceptable File Formats

Only .zip file format is acceptable. When using a Zip file as an attachment, you should attach one zip file at a time that includes the single attachment for each file in the zip file. To get the BP XML structure, first send a message to get BP record. Refer to the Web Service getBPRecord for more information.

This interface can be extended with additional data elements. In order for Unifier to recognize those elements, the data element name must match those created in uDesigner for this business process.


If the tags YTB or AFC are present in the line items, Unifier processes these tags. If they are not present, Unifier will check the uDesigner BP setup configuration for Cost Adjustment. If this field has been set, the line item amount is treated as YTB/AFC and processed.

Single Record BP

Record Exists

If you send a message for single record BP and a record already exists then Unifier will not send back and error but if you send an invalid record number then Unifier will send back an error.

Record does not exist

If you send a message for single record BP and a record does not exist then Unifier will create a record for you. If the BP type is of Line item then any line items included in the message will be added to the BP record. If the BP type is of Simple then any line items added as part of message will be ignored.

If your BP has uuu_creation_date then it will be populated when you send a message.

If your Cost BP has fund related information then you have to send Fund code details. If you are using multi segment fund code then send the code segments with delimiters.



The fund information send as part of Cost BP will be rolled up to Funding Sheet or Cost Sheet.

All data element values provided as part of integration message will be validated against the action form selected as part of design in uDesigner. Validation includes required field, form validation etc..,

If the action form used for validation is auto-populating values from a Business Process picker then system will auto-populate these values if a valid value is provided for that Business Process Picker.

Attachments can be added to upper form and line items, and multiple records.

Files can be sent as a single zipped file or individual files for the complete transaction record, the same file can be referenced multiple times in the same transaction; however, files contained in the zip file should still be described by separate attachment elements.


This API requires Integration Design to be published in uDesigner for the business process.

Attachment file cross references is not supported. The reference sub element under attachments should always have the value ‘No’.

Adding attachments is optional. If attachment elements are not provided, then the API behaves exactly like createBPRecord API.

Note: This API is not compatible with non Java web services client platforms.

Total attachment size per request across all files is limited to 250 MB. It is recommended that files are compressed into 1 zip file for submission to the API.

This service can be used for both Project (Standard) and Shells of cost code type CBS and Generic.

The following XML tag <_refnum> </refnum> should be added under BP line item tag <_bp_lineitem> </bp_lineitem> to support the ability to import the line items for General Spends and Payment Applications.

Creating Complete BP Record for Document type BP with Folder Structure

The Web Services calls support creating new records and allows users to include the line items assigned to a particular folder.

When the folders are being created through Web Services, the validations (in web interface of Unifier) are completed during the naming of the folders. You can enter non-ASCII characters as folder names. For example, you can enter Chinese characters as folder names in the folder path.

Behavior Specific to Summary Payment Application SOV Type BPs

Note: The information is applicable to Base Commit, Change Commit, and Payment Application Business Processes of Summary Payment Application SOV Type BPs.

For more details about XML tags, see Create and Add Methods in the Create BP Record (Additional Information) section.

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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022