Create BP Record (Additional Information)

This topic includes additional information about creating BP records.

BP XML Structure

To get the BP XML structure, first send a message to get BP record. Refer to the Web Service getBPRecord for more information.


This interface can be extended with additional data elements. In order for Unifier to recognize those elements, the data element name must match those created in uDesigner for this business process.


If the tags YTB or AFC are present in the line items, Unifier processes these tags. If they are not present, Unifier will check the uDesigner BP setup configuration for Cost Adjustment. If this field has been set, the line item amount is treated as YTB/AFC and processed.

Single Record BP

Record Exists

If you send a message for single record BP and a record already exists then Unifier will not send back and error but if you send an invalid record number then Unifier will send back an error.

Record does not exist

If you send a message for single record BP and a record does not exist then Primavera Unifier will create a record for you. If the BP type is of Line item then any line items included in the message will be added to the BP record. If the BP type is of Simple then any line items added as part of message will be ignored.

If your BP has uuu_creation_date then it will be populated when you send a message

If your Cost BP has fund related information then you have to send Fund code details. If you are using multi segment fund code then send the code segments with delimiters.



The fund information send as part of Cost BP will be rolled up to Funding Sheet or Cost Sheet.

You cannot send fund related information for Cost Type BPs such as General Spends and Payment Applications.

All data element values provided as part of integration message will be validated against the action form selected as part of design in uDesigner. Validation includes required field, form validation etc..,

The following XML tag <_refnum> </refnum> should be added under BP line item tag <_bp_lineitem> </bp_lineitem> to support the ability to import the line items for General Spends and Payment Applications if SOV is individual line items. For Group by commit codes lines are identified by CBS Code.

If the action form used for validation is auto-populating values from a Business Process picker then system will auto-populate these values if a valid value is provided for that Business Process Picker.

This service can be used for both Project (Standard) and Shells of cost code type CBS and Generic.

Additional element and sub elements (XML tags) within the line items (_bp_lineitems) of Summary Payment Application SOV Type

To perform Cost allocation to line items, use the following information:

Note: For additional details, refer to the Unifier Reference Guide.

Tag Name

BP Type



Cost (Base Commit and Change Commit of Summary Payment Application SOV type)

Cost allocation for the summary line item will be done using _cost_allocation.


Cost (Base Commit and Change Commit of Summary Payment Application SOV type)

bItemID, which is CBS Code, is a required field if you are sending costed line item information under _cost_allocation.


Cost (Base Commit and Change Commit of Summary Payment Application SOV type)

Required field.


Cost (Base Commit and Change Commit of Summary Payment Application SOV type)

Required field if cost line item type specified in _bp_lineitems has been set as Unit Cost. The Unit Cost information is specified in _bp_lineitems.


Cost (Base Commit and Change Commit of Summary Payment Application SOV type)

Required field if cost line item type specified in _bp_lineitems has been set as Lump Sum.


Cost (Base Commit and Change Commit of Summary Payment Application SOV type)

Optional field. Use when modifications are needed for line items that have already been committed in an SOV.

The Payment Application detail form is a customized form that is designed in uDesigner. This form will have a set of fixed and user-defined fields. The Input XML for Payment Application will include the following:

Available for data input in Elements

Tags / Data elements specific to Payment Application

Additional comments

_bp_lineitems and _cost_allocation

Reference (_refnum)

This will be the identifier for the line item that needs to be paid. This field cannot be empty when the _bp_lineitems block has values in other fields. This will be the identifier for the costed line item as well.


bItemID (Cost Code)

This field cannot be empty when the _cost_allocation block has values in the other fields. Combination of _refnum and bItemID will be used to identify the costed line against which the payment has to be made. If there are duplicate _refnum and CBS codes in multiple cost allocation blocks then the creation/update will fail.

_bp_lineitems and _cost_allocation

short_desc (Description)

Both at summary and costed line levels.

_bp_lineitems and _cost_allocation

uuu_spa_qty_tp (Quantity this Period)

Since the Input XML will be common for both Lump Sum and Unit cost the tags will always be available. Any value entered in this field when cost type is Lump Sum, will be ignored.

_bp_lineitems and _cost_allocation

uuu_spa_amt_tp (Amount this Period)

Since the Input XML will be common for both Lump Sum and Unit cost the tags will always be available. Any value entered in this field when cost type is Unit Cost, will be ignored.

_bp_lineitems and _cost_allocation

uuu_spa_other_tp (Other Amount this Period

Both summary line items and costed lines can have this field value.

_bp_lineitems and _cost_allocation

uuu_spa_mat_stored (Material Stored)

Both summary line items and costed lines can have this field value.


uuu_spa_per_comp (Percentage Complete To Date)

Only summary line items can have this field value.


Behavior Specific to Summary Payment Application SOV type BPs

Note: The following information is applicable to Base Commit, Change Commit, and Payment Application Business Processes of Summary Payment Application SOV type.

In both cases mentioned above, you can add the summary line items along with the cost allocation.

For adding line items to the Change Commit BP records from SOVs (modifying committed line items) using Input XMLs use the following:

Payment Application

The following information is specific to Payment Application.

At the time of creating a Payment Application record, details of the line items that are getting paid will be entered in the Input XML. Post creation of the record, all the line items existing for the Commit record will be seen in the in the record.


Payment is made against Contract CON-009 and this record has 5 line items which exist in the SOV, but the payment has to be made only for Line item 1. The input XML will have all the data for this line item. After a successful integration, PayApp-010 gets created. When you open this record, all the 5 line items will be seen in PayApp-010.


Since the system adds all the line items from the SOV, which do not exist in the Input XML, the system performs additional checks at the time of creating the record.

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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022