Update Cashflow Data

PUT /ws/rest/service/v1/cashflow/data/{project_number}


This service will update the cashflow detail curve data.


All parameters should be URL encoded.

Path Parameter

project_number(Required): Specify the project/shell number.

PUT body is in JSON format.

"options": Specify if curve "setup" or "distribution" data has to be updated. If no data is provided then the default will be setup = "yes".

"setup": Optional, default is "yes". Specify "yes" if you need to update the curve setup data (From Date, To Date, Profile and Total ), "no" if curve setup is not required to be updated.

"distribution": Optional, default is "no". Specify "yes" if you need to update the distribution data (distribution values of the Total amount entered in the date period), "no" if the distribution is not required to be updated.

If both setup and distribution are set to "yes" then only "setup" data will be updated.

if both setup and distribution are set to "no" then no data will be updated.

"data": Specify the curve data which needs to be updated. Use the response from the REST API, "/cashflow/data". Use the "details" part of the response.

The "From Date" and "To Date" should use integration user preference data format.

Sample Request








"Name":"cashflow 1",








"Name":"TestProj-C-TestProj-C Name",

"From Date":"05-31-2019 00:00:00",

"To Date":"10-25-2019 00:00:00",




"5 2019":"450.00",

"6 2019":"40.00",

"7 2019":"10.00",

"8 2019":"-44.00",

"9 2019":"-44.00",

"10 2019":"-44.00"










"Name":"TestProj-C-TestProj-C Name",

"From Date":"05-01-2019 00:00:00",

"To Date":"10-25-2019 00:00:00",




"5 2019":"5.00",

"6 2019":"0.00",

"7 2019":"0.00",

"8 2019":"0.00",

"9 2019":"10.00",

"10 2019":"0.00"









JSON object containing 'status', 'data', 'message'

a message will be present if the status is not 200 otherwise it will be "success".

Update Data Response


"data": [],

"message": [


"curve_name": "Baseline",

"status_code": 200,

"name": "cashflow 1"

"message": "success"



"status": 200


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