Create Distribution Profiles

POST /ws/rest/service/v1/cashflow/profile


Create distribution profiles of company


Both input & output in JSON format in the body.

Create Distribution Profile input JSON


"data": [


"name": "S Curve new",

"status": "Active",

"distribution": [
























"name": "Front Loaded",

"status": "Active",

"distribution": [

























Supported values for "status" is "Active" or "Inactive".

The "distribution" must be a list of at least 20 elements, the sum of them all must be 100. If the "distribution" is not provided, then the "distribution" with 20 elements, all of which with value 5, will be considered.


JSON object containing 'status', 'data', 'message'

Create Distribution Profile output JSON


"data": [

{ "id": 5,

"name": "S Curve new"



"message": [


"name": "S Curve new"

"status": 200,

"message": "success"



"name": "Front Loaded"

"status": 1337,

"message": "Distribution Profile already exist"



"status": 3000


Status codes are:

1> 200 , for success

2> 3000, for Partial success.

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Last Published Tuesday, February 8, 2022