Bluebeam Log Tab in Business Process Record

When the Attachments tab is expanded in the business process record, and if the file has a Bluebeam studio session, then you will see the Bluebeam Log tab next to the Preview tab in the right pane. The Bluebeam Log tab seen in the right pane of Attachments tab allows you to view details of the Bluebeam studio session associated with the selected attachment.

To access the Bluebeam Log tab in a file in Document Manager:

  1. Click the Attachments tab.
  2. Click the in the right pane.
  3. Select an attachment and click the Bluebeam Log tab in the right pane.

The Bluebeam Log tab toolbar options:

The Bluebeam Log tab contains the following columns:


The status of the Bluebeam studio session of the sent file.

Sent File Name

The name of the sent file.

Rev. No

The revision number of the sent file.

Pub. No

The publishing number of the sent file.

Received File Name

The name of the received file.

Session ID

The ID of the Bluebeam studio session.

Session Name

The name of the Bluebeam studio session.

Last Updated By

The name of the user that performed the last action for the Bluebeam studio session.

Last Updated

The date and time of when the last action was performed for the Bluebeam studio session.

The gear menu for each file contains the following options:

When the session is still active

When the session is still finalized

See Also

Bluebeam Studio Sessions in Document Manager and Business Processes Records

Creating a Bluebeam Studio Session in Document Manager

Bluebeam Log Tab in Document Manager

Creating a Bluebeam Studio Session in a Business Process

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Last Published Tuesday, March 2, 2021