Summary of Steps for Earned Value (EV) Analysis

The following is a summary of steps that you must perform for EV Analysis:

  1. Begin by setting up integration parameters in Gateway, P6 and Unifier.
  2. In Company Workspace (Admin mode), use the two new synchronizations in Unifier Gateway node to import P6 activities, assignments, and rates for EV analysis.
  3. In Company Workspace (User mode), initiate the synchronizations from the company-level Master Rate Sheet node to fetch the global roles and resources data from P6.
  4. In Shell Details, Integration tab, select the Link Multiple P6 Projects check box and add P6 projects.


    • The same P6 project cannot be mapped to other Unifier shells. The one-many relationship is unique for EVM functionality.
    • The Unifier company currency and P6 base currency must be the same.
  5. In the Shell (User mode), the Activity Manager module is available to store an activity sheet and shell-level rate, WBS, and OBS sheets.
    1. Initiate synchronizations in the Activity Sheets log to get:
      1. The activities and assignments data from the linked P6 projects.
    2. In the Rate Sheet node, create rate sheets, if shell-specific rates are required. This creates a shell-level Rate Sheet with roles and resources that will be used in the shell.
  6. In the Shell (User mode):

    In the Earned Value Analysis node (Earned Value Manager > Earned Value Analysis), perform earned value analysis corresponding to an activity sheet.

    1. Activity sheet data (WBS, CBS, and all projects) is consolidated, rolled up, and displayed in summary tables in an EV scenario.
    2. Earned value analysis can be generated directly for cost loaded projects, with Unifier Rate Sheet.
    3. For resource loaded projects, resource and role rates must be present before analyzing earned value and other matrices.
    4. Duration based projects are ignored because they do not have cost data.
  7. In the Company Workspace and Shell, the related areas in Unifier include all permissions, reporting, and Configuration Package Management modules.

    Note: Only the Cost-loaded and Resource-loaded projects are used for EV analysis. Although it can be included in an Activity Sheet, a duration-based project cannot be used for Earned Value Analysis.

See Also



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Last Published Tuesday, April 27, 2021