Activity Sheet Dates

Activities with Status: Not Started

Note: For Not Started activities, the dates are always the same for Start, Finish, Planned Start, Planned Finish, Remaining Early Start, and Remaining Early Finish dates.



Planned Start

Planned Finish

Actual Start

Actual Duration

Actual Finish

Remaining Early Start

Remaining Early Finish

Default to Project Schedule Start Date or to Data Date if the Project Schedule Start Date moved forward.

Can modify the date.

Default to Project Schedule Start Date or to Data Date if the Project Schedule Start Date moved forward.

Can modify the date.

Calculated based on start date + duration.

Default to Start Date.

Can be modified.

Default to Finish Date.

Calculated based on Planned Start date + duration

Can be modified.

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Default to Start Date.

Can be modified.

Default to Finish Date.

Calculated based on Remaining Start date + duration.

Can be modified.

Activities with Status: In Progress

Note: For In Progress activities, the Start and Actual Start would always be the same, and the Remaining Early Start will be >= Actual Start Date.



Planned Start

Planned Finish

Actual Start

Actual Duration

Actual Finish

Remaining Early Start

Remaining Early Finish

Default to Actual Start Date

Can modify the date.

If Start date is modified then update Actual Start date and vice versa.

Can be updated by means of the update of Actual Start Date.

Start Date + Duration.

Can modify the date >= Start Date.

Planned Start Date will not be updated to latest schedule data dates.

Can be modified manually.

Calculated based on Planned Start date + duration.

Can be modified.

Can enter date in the column >= project schedule start date.

Start will be updated accordingly to align with Actual Start Date.

Can be updated by means of Activity Status.

In the attribute form and activity sheet, this field is read-only. The value for this field will be updated as the Duration calculated between Actual Start Date and Duration.

Not applicable.

Default to Start or Actual Start if not scheduled.

Can be updated to later date by means of the actual start date or start date.

If scheduled, then Remaining Start Date will be Data Date.

Can be modified > = Data Date.

Calculated based on Remaining Start Date + Duration

If Scheduled, then Remaining Finish will be Data Date + Remaining Duration.

Can be modified >= Remaining Start.

Activities with Status: Complete



Planned Start

Planned Finish

Actual Start

Actual Duration

Actual Finish

Remaining Early Start

Remaining Early Finish

Default to Actual Start Date

Can modify the date.

If Start Date is modified then update Actual Start Date and vice versa.

Can be updated by means of the update of Actual Start Date.

Default to Actual Finish Date.

Can modify the date >= Start Date.

Planned Start Date will not be updated.

Can be modified manually.

Calculated based on Planned Start Date + Duration.

Can be modified.

Can enter date in the column >= project schedule start date.

Can be updated by means of Activity Status.

In the attribute form and activity sheet, this field is read-only. The value for this field will be updated as the Duration calculated between Actual Start Date and Actual Finish.

Not applicable.

Will be empty as the activity is completed.

Will be empty as the activity is completed.

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Last Published Tuesday, April 27, 2021