Actions Option

Depending on your permissions, the Actions option enables you to:




To schedule the activities based on the data date. You update the progress of the activity both:

  • At the activity-level in the sheet grid or in the General tab of activity.
  • In the Assignments tab.

The Schedule option, in the Activity Sheet, is similar to the scheduling option in P6. When you click Schedule, the Schedule window opens which enables you to select a date (from the Data Date field) and click Schedule Now to initiate the scheduling process.

You can take any actions within the activity sheet, but the activity sheet data will be refreshed after schedule completion.

You can use the History Log (available under Menu option) to view a lot of the actions that have been performed on the activity sheet, as a part of scheduling.

The following actions will be performed as a part of rescheduling:

- If the activity start, finish, duration, calendar, or predecessor changes, then Unifier reschedules the successor activities (based on the data date).

- If the activity is in progress, then Unifier calculates the remaining duration of the activity (based on the data date) and recalculates the successor activities start and finish dates (if not started). Unifier also calculates the remaining duration for all incomplete activities (based on the data date).

- Unifier moves the activities, or tasks, that are not finished (based on the data date). This happens even if the activities, or tasks, expected finish date is earlier than the data date. Unifier retains the relationship logi for the dependent activities, for example, Unifier recalculates the start and finish dates for the successor activities.

- Unifier retains the schedule logic. Unifier moves the activities that are in progress and activities that are incomplete (with finish date earlier than the data date) to the data date which makes the activities the first tasks that must be completed. This also moves the start date of the successor activities to a future date, based on the Lead/Lag time and relationship.

- Unifier recalculates the Float value for all of the activities, according to the schedule.

- Unifier recalculates the Critical Path based on the changes in the duration or dates of the activities. The Critical Path is determined by the activities that contain a Total Float of zero.

Once Resources or Roles have been assigned to activities you must:

- Enter the progress and then recalculate the assignment costs.

- Use Schedule to calculate both the Remaining units or costs as well as the At Completion units or costs.

Unifier calculates all of the Remaining units or costs as well as the At Completion units or costs for the activities, based on the actuals that were entered for the activities that have progress update.

Unifier calculates all of the costs, based on the new Resources or Roles assigned to the activities or based on the update of planned and actual units at the assignment level.

Create Baseline

Used for creating the baseline data for the project schedule defined in the Activity Sheet.

Once you create the baseline, the Update Baseline option appears in the Actions drop-down allowing you to update the baseline view with the latest data and date.

In the Project Baseline view, the window title will show the name that is given while creating the baseline, and the baseline creation date will be shown on the right-hand corner. This date retains the date preference set for the logged in user. Within the Project Baseline view all the fields are read-only and contain the current project data including CBS and WBS assignments.

You can view the activity sheet details in the General tab.

The creation date will be populated with the current date.

The baseline name will be defaulted to the project schedule name.

Update Baseline

Used for updating the baseline data for the project schedule defined in the activity sheet. This option becomes available once you create a baseline.

If there are no baselines, the Update Baseline option will be replaced by Create Baseline. You can navigate to the Project Baseline view by clicking the Switch to Project Baseline view link (this function is similar to the system activity sheet, once the baseline is created). You can export all the activities using the Menu Options > Export > All Activities.

Baseline Comparison

To compare the current project dates and costs with the baseline dates and costs and highlight the cells where:

  • The activity progress is not as expected, or
  • The activities are delayed (comparing to the baseline).

The link to view the baseline data will be seen only when the baseline is created successfully.

You can view the schedule comparison of current project data with baseline data by way of the Menu option > Baseline Comparison. When you click Baseline Comparison, the Baseline and Current Project Comparison window opens. This window displays all of the activities comparing the schedules based planned, actual, remaining dates, and other dates. Variance will show the number of days the activity has been delayed, and the number of days the activity has started ahead or on time.

By default, all of the columns within the current activity sheet will be compared with the baseline. This is shown as Default view. The View option enables you to filter the columns that can be seen. You can filter the columns that can be seen in the Baseline and Current Project Comparison window by navigating to Views and create a new view and filtering the columns displayed.

Link Selected Activities

To link multiple activity sheets. The selected activity sheets will be linked with the default relationship (Finish-to-Start) if no relationship exists. See the "Dependencies Tab" topic for more details.

Unlink Selected Activities

To unlink multiple activity sheets.

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Last Published Tuesday, April 27, 2021