All Properties

All Properties is at the top of the hierarchy for organizing your real estate portfolio. The All Properties Shell is a part of Company Sponsored Shells. The Shell Manager section of this guide provides more details about All Properties manager.

All Properties tab (User mode)

You can use the All Properties tab (User mode) to manage the properties by way of the following nodes, modules, sub-modules, and Business Processes (BPs):

Note: This guide explains the new nodes, modules, and sub-modules that are related to FAM, only. For details about other nodes, modules, and sub-modules refer to the Primavera Unifier user and administration guides.

All Properties tab (Admin mode)

You can use the All Properties tab (Admin mode) to manage the properties by way of the following nodes, modules, sub-modules, and Business Processes (BPs):

The Material Inventory Manager allows you to set up Classes:

Refer to the Unifier user and administration guides for details about the other nodes, modules, and sub-modules.

See Also

FAM Navigation Tabs Structure in Unifier


Company Workspace




Linear Assets


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Last Published Wednesday, January 8, 2020