Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Reconciliation

The CAM Reconciliation process is used at the end of certain periods (typically annually or semi-annually) to reconcile the amount of payments made towards CAM with the actual CAM obligations.

For Landlords, it serves as a way to figure out if tenants still owe any additional CAM charges or not. For Tenants, it serves to validate that any additional CAM invoices are valid compared to what has been paid for that period.

The CAM reconciliation process auto-generates a Lease Invoice process for any variance between the actual CAM charges and the amount already paid for a defined period of time. In this case, it supports the Landlord use case invoicing the tenants.

See Also

Real Estate: Leases Management

New Lease Requests


Lease Contacts

Lease Actions

Lease Amendment Requirements

Lease Invoices

Lease Payments

Lease Termination

Leases Management Business Processes (BPs)

Leases Management User-Defined Reports (UDRs)

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