Lease Payments

Lease Payments are auto-generated from the lease record of type Tenant. They are typically payment requests sent out to lease administration groups at the tenant’s organization who are responsible for processing lease payments to landlords. Lease Payment requests can be for Rent, Utilities, CAM, Insurance or other types of charges.

The Lease Payment record has a reference to the lease record that generated it and line items are automatically populated with the relevant charge type and amount. Lease Payments are then routed for review and approval.

See Also

Real Estate: Leases Management

New Lease Requests


Lease Contacts

Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Reconciliation

Lease Actions

Lease Amendment Requirements

Lease Invoices

Lease Termination

Leases Management Business Processes (BPs)

Leases Management User-Defined Reports (UDRs)

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