Editing Project Data

Your portfolio scenario sheets typically contain some project data or information. If this project information was configured to be editable, you (the portfolio planner) can edit it.

If you edit the project information, the changes that you make do not impact the project live data.

Instead, your edits are stored only in the Portfolio Manager and do not impact the live project data until the pertinent portfolio scenario sheet has been approved by your company management.

When the portfolio scenario sheet is approved, Unifier updates specified edited shell information with the approved portfolio scenario sheet data, and you will be notified by email of the updates.

You cannot edit:

To edit project information:

  1. Double-click the cell containing the information you want to change. The cell becomes editable.
  2. Enter the change.
  3. Press the Enter key on your keyboard, or press the Tab key to move to the next editable cell in the row.

    Unifier updates the information in this column, and flags the cell to indicate that there is a discrepancy between the data you entered and the project's data.

    Note: To leave a cell without saving your changes, press the Esc key on the keyboard. Unifier restores the original numbers to the cell.

  4. Click Save All.

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Last Published Tuesday, March 2, 2021