Tasks Log

For any action other than creating a new business process (BP) record, we recommend that you monitor BPs using your Tasks Log. Business process logs list every record of that business process type, but the Tasks Log lists only those records that have been assigned to you for action.

If you are participating in a workflow, these tasks will be the forms you need to complete on a workflow step. Tasks that are late appear in red on the log.

Tasks Logs are located in projects, in the company workspace, and in one central Tasks Log for all company and project business processes.

The following tasks may appear in your Tasks logs:

This allows users other than the assignee to edit the BP record. Editors can be added to these workflow or non-workflow business process types:

If you are an editor on a business process, you can open and edit any record that you can see listed in the log, per your view access permission (View User Records, View Company Records, or View All Records).

You must have at least one of these permissions to be able to view the record in the log to access it to edit.

Refer to the Unifier User Guide for details about the following topics:

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Last Published Tuesday, March 2, 2021