About BP Forms

The electronic forms in Unifier are consistent throughout Unifier, with a similar look and feel. When you send a workflow business process form to the next step, the assignee receives a task.

When you first open a task, it appears in "view" mode. On the "view" version of this form, you can do the following:

If you accept the task, the form becomes editable. On the editable, or "action," version of this form, you can do the following:

The electronic form appears similar to a paper form—you complete the form by typing information directly into the form fields or choosing options through drop-down lists, pickers, or checkboxes.

Note: The section labels are determined in uDesigner and may vary. The basic form functionality remains the same.

Refer to the "About Business Processes" chapter in the Unifier User Guide for information about:

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Last Published Tuesday, March 2, 2021