Cost Type

Cost type BPs employ different sub-types and classifications. The sub-type determines what type of code it will use, such as a fund or CBS code. The classification dictates the behavior of the BP. For example, a Base Commit classification of a Cost Type BP can create a schedule of values; a General Spends classification can create an invoice at the CBS level.

The following explains the sub-types, and the associated classifications, of Cost-type BPs (Company Workspace > Admin mode > uDesigner node > Business Processes > click New from the log window > Cost > Edit Studio window > General tab > Sub-Type):



Commit at company level

No classification

Line Items with CBS Code

  • Generic
  • Base Commit
  • Change Commit
  • Transfer
  • General Spends
  • Payment Applications

Line Items with Fund Code

  • Generic
  • Transfer

Line Items with both CBS and Fund Codes

  • Generic
  • Transfer

Line Items with both CBS and WBS Codes

No classification

Line Items with Company Accounts Code

  • Generic
  • Transfer

Line Items with Asset Code

No classification

Line Items with Multiple Code

  • Generic
  • Base Commit
  • Change Commit
  • Transfer
  • General Spends
  • Lease
  • Reservation

The following explains the Cost-type BPs classifications:




Use this for miscellaneous line item BPs that do not directly relate to commitments, change commits, spends, or funding.


Use this for transferring currency from one account or line item to another.

Base Commit

Use this for:

  • Monies committed to be spent; for example, a contract or purchase order
  • Creating an SOV for a general spends or pay application

Change Commit

A Change Commit must reference a Base Commit.

Use this for:

  • Changing or adding to a previous base commit
  • Modifying a general spends or pay application SOV

General Spends

A General Spends must reference a Base Commit.

Use this for monies to be spent; for example, an invoice or partial payment of services, often charged against a prior commit.

Payment Applications

This BP will create an SOV from the detail form. It will also support complex calculations, such as retainage, stored materials, paid-to-date, and payment based on percentage complete. Use this for:

  • Scheduling payments against construction contracts
  • Tracking/viewing previous and current payments made against these contracts
  • Rolls up to the Cost Manager

The Statuses tab of the Cost-type BPs (Company Workspace > Admin mode > uDesigner node > Business Processes > click New from the log window > Cost > Edit Studio window > Statuses tab) enables you to specify the following statuses for a given record, as the record moves through a workflow, or during the records use in Unifier:

A status indicates the condition or state of a record at any point in its life cycle. Statuses will vary according the type of record. To include a status, click Add. You can select multiple statuses, from the list.

Statuses are necessary for a non-workflow business process to:

To make entering line items easier for the user, you can set a default status, such as "Pending," for al of the new line items. To do so, select the status and click Default.

The statuses for records must include at least one terminal status; otherwise, the workflow cannot be completed. To make a status terminal, select the status and click Terminal. You can define more than one terminal status.

Note: You can use a terminal record status to trigger certain functions outside the scope of the business process or to make external data easily accessible from the business process or form.

Related Topics

Cost Type: Line Items with CBS Code

Cost Type: Line Item with Fund Code

Cost Type: Line Items with Both CBS and Fund Codes

Cost Type: Line Items with Both CBS and WBS Codes

Cost Type: Commit at Company Level

Cost Type: Line Items with Company Account Code

Cost Type: Line Items with Asset Code

Generic Cost: Line Items with Multiple Codes

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021