Cost Type: Line Items with Company Account Code

This BP is a cost BP type that you can use to track cost transactions at the company level for items such as resources or facility maintenance. Transactions on this type of BP can roll up to the company-level Accounts Sheet.

Cost type business processes employ different sub-types and classifications. The sub-type determines what type of code it will use, such as a fund or CBS code. The classification dictates the behavior of the BP. For example, a Base Commit classification of a Cost Type BP can create a schedule of values; a General Spends classification can create an invoice at the CBS level. There are three classifications of this BP type:


Use this for miscellaneous line item BPs that do not fall into the other categories.


Use this for transferring fund amounts from one account code to another (usually used for making corrections).


Use this to reserve an asset, space, or shell; an object from a line item, simple, or document type business process; or an item from a configurable manager (code-and-record-based).

How the Reservation business process works

In order to design the Reservation type of business process, it will help to understand how it works.

This business process is meant for reserving objects from different Primavera Unifier modules:

In uDesigner, these objects are made reservable (that is, "calendar-enabled") if you:

When you design the Reservation business process, you need to design one or more data pickers and include them on the upper or detail form. These data pickers will list the objects that have been calendar-enabled so that the Primavera Unifier user can choose the object to reserve. The Reservation business process is where the Primavera Unifier user will specify the dates and times for the reservation, recurring reservation dates (if necessary), and (optionally) the auto-creation of other business processes.

When the business processes for the reservable objects reach a specific status (which you specify in the design), the object becomes available for reservation; that is, it becomes available to a data picker on the Reservation business process.

Auto-creation on a Reservation business process

You can design the Reservation business process to auto-create other business processes. The auto-creation must include a BP Creator element and certain other elements (see the Design Flow below).

You can auto-create another business process from the upper or detail form of the Reservation business process. Auto-creation on a Reservation business process works differently from most other auto-creation processes. For most auto-creations, the Primavera Unifier administrator sets up the auto-creation. However, for a Reservation business process, the Primavera Unifier end users set up the auto-creation when they create a new Reservation record. For the auto-creation, users must specify a time offset relative to the reservation event; that is, they must specify whether the auto-creation should occur before or after the reservation event, and how many days, hours, and minutes before/after the event. For example, for a room reservation, the Reservation business process could auto-create a work order for catering two days before the event, and auto-create an "action item" follow-up business process that would go to all attendees eight hours after the event.

Auto-creation and recurring reservations

The Reservation business process includes a "Recurrence" feature that users can use to make a reservation automatically occur at specific intervals. For auto-creation on a recurring reservation, Primavera Unifier re-evaluates the trigger date for each recurrence. The Reservation business process will show a hyperlink to only the last record created; however, users can see all the records created by opening the View References window.

Design Requirements for Line Items with Company Account Code Business Processes

For these business processes to work effectively in Primavera Unifier, you will need to create the following components in uDesigner:

Design Flow

The following table outlines the design steps necessary to create this business process.

For this sub-type:

These fields are mandatory:

1. Create a data structure

(if necessary)

This structure will include the data elements to be used on the forms. (If the data structure has not already been created, see the instructions beginning with Creating a Data Structure.)

For a Reservation sub-type, you need to create one or more data pickers. Primavera Unifier users will use these data pickers to choose the objects to reserve. The data pickers will be populated with the business process records (such as a space) that have been "calendar enabled."

2. Start the design

This step initializes the design process for the BP. See Starting a New Design (Edit Studio).

3. Design an upper form

See the instructions beginning with Designing Upper Forms.

For a Reservation sub-type, these fields are mandatory on the upper form:

  • Reserved from date (uuu_date_from)
  • Reserved to date (uuu_date_to)
  • Reservation name (uuu_rsv_calendar_item_name)
  • Set reservation recurrence (uuu_recurrence)

If a Reservation business process should auto-create another business process before or after the reserved event takes place, these fields are mandatory, and can be added to either the upper or detail form:

  • BP Creator element
  • When the auto-creation should occur, relative to the reservation (uuu_before_after)
  • Date the auto-creation should occur (uuu_rsv_trigger_date)
  • # of days before/after the reservation the auto-creation should occur (uuu_rsv_trigger_days)
  • # of hours before/after the reservation the auto-creation should occur (uuu_rsv_trigger_hrs)
  • # of minutes before/after the reservation the auto-creation should occur (uuu_rsv_trigger_min)

4. Design a detail form








See the instructions beginning with Designing Detail Form.


  • Company account code picker Amount ((uuu_company_acc_codepicker))
  • Short description (short_desc)


  • Company account code picker Amount ((uuu_company_acc_codepicker))
  • Short description (short_desc)


If a Reservation business process should auto-create another business process before or after the reserved event takes place, these fields are mandatory, and can be added to either the upper or detail form:

  • BP Creator element
  • When the auto-creation should occur, relative to the reservation (uuu_before_after)
  • Date the auto-creation should occur (uuu_rsv_trigger_date)
  • # of days before/after the reservation the auto-creation should occur (uuu_rsv_trigger_days)
  • # of hours before/after the reservation the auto-creation should occur (uuu_rsv_trigger_hrs)
  • # of minutes before/after the reservation the auto-creation should occur (uuu_rsv_trigger_min)

5. Create a line item list

See Adding an Item Log to a Detail Form.

6. Create a workflow

See the instructions beginning with Starting a Workflow.

7. Create a log

See Designing a Business Process Log (Standard or Picker).

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