Designing Detail Form

Detail forms open as separate windows in Primavera Unifier, where users enter or modify information, such as line item details for some business processes, new plan information for planning items, new activity information for schedules, or a new item for a manager attribute form. The fields on the detail form, and the information the users enter, are then displayed on a line item list at the bottom of the form, or other area of the Primavera Unifier interface, such as a planning item log or a schedule.

Once a detail form is in use in Primavera Unifier, you cannot delete it. You can add elements to the form in uDesigner, but you cannot delete the original elements, nor can you hide them.

At run time, the detail form creates a tab at the bottom of the form that contains a line item list.

uDesigner automatically creates one blank "standard" detail form whenever you start these types of business processes. You will need to design this detail form (see Starting a Standard Detail Form). To this standard detail form, you can add a line item list (see Adding an Item Log to a Detail Form).

Note: You cannot delete this Standard detail form, nor its line item list.

For Base Commits and Change Commits BP of Summary Payment Applications type, the Data Elements (DEs) for the following are not available to be included in the Standard detail tab:

Related Topics

Adding an Item Log to a Detail Form

Organizing Data with Multiple Tabs

Starting a Standard Detail Form

Starting Detail Forms for Multiple Tabs

Mapping Line Items from References during BP Creator Auto-Creation

Creating Query-based Tabs and Summary Elements

Adding a Grid Summary to a Detail Form

Copying a Detail Form

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021