Options Tab

For some components, uDesigner displays an Options tab. The Options tab displays different fields, depending on the type of design you are starting. These fields and what to enter in them are listed in the following table.

Note: If you are creating a form with multiple tabs, the options you set here will apply to the line items for all the tabs.

If the Options tab shows this field:

Do this:

Add Company Records to filtered list when line item status equals

If this BP type filters company records into a list, use this field to specify that when the line item reaches the status you designate here, Primavera Unifier should add the selected company record to the list.

Allow Future Cost Adjustment

Select the check box if you want the users to be able to adjust the costs. To allow the users to forecast their anticipated commits, select Label for Yet to Buy. To allow users to forecast contingency spending, select Label for Contingency.

Allow Commitment based Funding and Assignment

Select If this is a Base Commit BP, select this checkbox to enable funding on individual base commit records. If you select this, you must also select the Create SOV checkbox.

If you select this checkbox, be sure you also enable fund assignment on the forms on which you want to allow access to the Commitment Funding sheet.

Display 'Total Amount' sum of line items at bottom of System Defined tab

Select the check box if you want users to be able to see the total amount of the sum of the line items at the bottom of the system-defined tab.

Allow public bidding (no pre-defined bidders)

Select the check box if you want users to be able to send bid invitations to the vendors on your company’s master vendor list (vendor master list).

Display bid responses before RFB Due Date


If you select this option, then at run time the "Proposal" column in the Proposal Management tab will have the View link to view the submitted bid response.

If you do not select this option, then the "Proposal" column would be available only after the RFB due date.

Note: Applicable to the Private Bids, only. Not applicable to the Public Bids.

Referenced Line Item BP to filter bidders

Select the available BP data picker elements on the upper form.












Auto populate this vendor picker with value from winning bid picker

To indicate which Vendor Picker to auto-populate whenever a winning bidder is picked in the upper form. The option would list all the BP Pickers and Data pickers referencing to master vendor list or BPs added in the upper form of the RFB BP.

Select from a list of vendor picker elements on the upper form. The option would list all the BP Pickers and Data pickers referencing to master vendor list or BPs that have been added in the upper form of the RFB BP.

The BP pickers which reference to the Vendor BP and also the data pickers which reference to the master vendor list are displayed here. You can select the BP which the user can auto-populate, based on the selection made, or the value in winning bid picker.

Data Picker Configuration > Contract Awarded To

If a condition is defined for the selected picker, which is selected for auto-populate based on the winning bid selection. Once selected, Unifier ignores the existing conditions.

When the user selects a BP Picker for auto-populate based on winning bid picker selection:

If the BP picker condition is set as not equal to "Active", and the vendor record example is: 0001 with status = Inactive, then Unifier ignores the condition setting.

When the user selects a BP Data Picker for auto-populate based on winning bid picker selection:

If the BP Data Picker condition is set as, for example, the vendor name is not equal to Oracle, but the vendor record 001 selected has vendor name = Oracle, then Unifier ignores the condition setting.



Enable Map View Feature

Select the check box to enable the map feature for Line Item, Simple, Text, Document, and some Cost business process records and logs. You can view location maps for projects or facilities. The map feature uses addresses or latitude and longitude coordinates (the data elements which you must include on the design of the BP form.

Allow adding users/groups in Primavera Unifier User mode

Use this option for automatic email notifications when a non-workflow record is created or modified. Select this check box if you want the user to be able to add users or groups to the email. If you check this box, the form will display an additional area at the bottom where the Primavera Unifier user can choose additional users or groups to notify. (This area is pre-defined in Primavera Unifier and will not be visible in uDesigner when you design the form.)

Automatic Update of YTB should add the amount instead of subtracting

Select the check box if you want to enable a Base Commit, Change Commit, or Generic cost type business process to generate a data source of "Unaccepted" for use in the logical data source called Forecasts (Unaccepted) in the cost Sheet. This option will add scope to the YTB.

Auto-populate on Payment Application

If the BP is a Payment Application, select this check box to auto-populate the Payment Application with the line items from both Base Commits and Change Commit BPs. This option is available on the:

  • SOV type Payment Applications
  • SOV type Summary Payment Applications (Base Commits BP)
  • SOV line item type individual commit line items

See Auto-populate on Payment Application from a Base Commits BP.

The runtime auto-populate occurs for the: Summary lines and Costed lines.

Company Business Process Records Picker

If the BP is a line item type that will filter company records into a smaller list, select the picker you want to appear on the form. Users will use this picker to filter the records for the project list.

For example, if this BP will filter vendor names for a project vendor list, you would select the vendor picker you created for this BP.

Consume funding when terminal status equals

If the BP is a general spends type and you want the BP to automate project fund consumption, select the check box. When the BP reaches its terminal status (the last status in the workflow), the fund is consumed. Specify which funds to consume by selecting the appropriate terminal status (see Statuses Tab).

Cost Rollup

If the BP is a timesheet, use this field to designate that the costs should be rolled up to the Cost Manager; otherwise, the timesheet will not roll costs up to the company/project cost sheets and actuals sheet.

These rolled-up costs will be reflected in the Resource Actuals column on the Cost Sheet.

Create Commitment Summary

If the BP is a base commit line item type with multiple codes, select this check box if you want the BP to automatically create a commitment summary. Select the Commitment Summary Type and the Commitment Summary Line Items that should be included on the summary. Specify which line items to use on the summary by selecting the appropriate In terminal status (see Statuses Tab).

Create Project/Shell when record reaches terminal status

If this is a Project/Shell Creation BP that should create a new project or shell, select this check box.

If the sub-type is Simple, when the BP record reaches the terminal status you specify here, Primavera Unifier will automatically create a new project or shell. You can specify multiple terminal statuses for the record.

If the sub-type is Line Item, you must specify both a terminal status for the record and a status for the line item before a new project/shell can be created. You can specify multiple record statuses, but only a single line item status.

(See Statuses Tab.)

Create SOV

Select the check box if you want to automatically create an SOV from the BP. Especially for use on Base Commit BPs (Base Commit - Line Items with CBS Codes).

Select the SOV Type and the SOV Line Items that should be created. The options available for the SOV Type are:

  • General Spends
  • Payment Applications
  • Summary Payment Applications

If the user selects the SOV Type, "Summary Payment Applications," the SOV Line Items drop-down list will be auto-populated with the value: Individual commit line items.

Note: The user will be unable to select any other option or to deselect this option.

Specify which line items to create by selecting the appropriate terminal status (see Statuses Tab).

Select Auto-populate on Payment Application to auto-populate specific fields on the Payment Applications Detail form from the Base Commits BP.

Click the Select button and choose the payment app fields (Data Elements) you want to populate. For more information, see Auto-populate on Payment Application from a Base Commits BP. The runtime auto-populate occurs for the: Summary lines and Costed lines.

To allow commitment funding on the Base Commits, select Allow Commitment based Funding and Assignment.

Note: For any given project, there can be only one Base Commit type of business process that can generate a Schedule of Values (SOV) for payment. If you try to deploy another Base Commit BP in the same project, with the intent to generate SOV for payment, then the system will prevent you from deploying the business process in uDesigner.

Create Snapshots automatically whenever status changes to

If the BP is a line item type with multiple codes, select this check box if you want Primavera Unifier to automatically take a snapshot of the BP when it reaches a specific status. Click the down arrow and select the status.

Disable manual fund assignment when record workflow is closed

Select this check box if funds should not be manually assigned after the workflow is closed (reaches the end step).

Note: This option does not disable automatic fund assignments. However, it does override any manual fund assignments on an action form at the end step of a workflow.

Disable manual fund assignment when record reaches terminal status

Select this check box if funds should not be manually assigned after the record reaches a terminal status. (This is for non-workflow Cost BPs.)

Note: This option does not disable automatic fund assignments.

Display "Total Amount" sum of line items at bottom of Standard tab

If the BP is a line item type, select this check box if you want Primavera Unifier to automatically sum the line items and display the total at the bottom of the Standard tab.

Note: This option is not available for Lease business processes.

Enable Calendar

Select this checkbox if users should be able to reserve this business process record for exclusive use. If you select this check box, the form will display a Calendar button in the toolbar that the user can use to display a calendar and specify dates and times for the reservation, as well as additional information that might be necessary for the reservation. In addition, the data picker(s) created for a Reservation type business process will include this business process on the picker list.

Enable Cost Sheet Forecasting

Select the check box if you want to enable a Base Commit, Change Commit, or Generic cost type business process to generate a data source of "Unaccepted" for use in the logical data source called Forecasts (Unaccepted) in the cost Sheet. This option will subtract scope from the YTB.

Enable for Portal

Select the check box if you want this business process to be available for use in the Self-Service Portal.

Note: The portal is available only for Simple type BPs that are:

  • At the company level
  • Non-workflow
  • Multi-record

Enable Map View Feature

Select the check box to enable the map feature for Line Item, Simple, Text, Document, and some Cost business process records and logs. With this feature, Primavera Unifier users can view location maps for such things as projects or facilities. The map feature uses addresses or latitude/longitude coordinates—data elements which you must include on the design of the BP form.

Enable for Mobile/Handheld

Select the check box if you want this business process to be available for using on a mobile device, such as a SmartPhone.

Note: This option enables the user to access the business process by way of the Unifier mobile browser. This option does not enable the user to access the business process by way of Unifier mobile app.

Enforce against CBS Budget using Budget Remaining Balance

Select the check box if Primavera Unifier should fulfill payment for the CBS line items on a Base Commit BP against the individual line item budgets using the remaining balance of each.

Fund Picker to show only allocated funds

For cost BPs of sub-type Line Items with Fund Codes or Line Items with Both CBS and Fund Codes:

Use this field to limit the funds shown on the picker to only those funds that have been allocated to the project; otherwise, the picker will list all the active fund codes at the company level.

Hard Booking Status(es)

If the BP is a resource booking, use this field to specify that, when the resource reaches one (or more) terminal statuses, Primavera Unifier should consider the resource to be assigned and no longer available to other bookings (see Statuses Tab).

Note: If you specify other terminal statuses for a resource, but you do not include them as "hard-booked" statuses here, the resource booking will be considered "rejected."

Record Editor

Specify the business process form that Primavera Unifier should display for a record editor who has been given the ability to modify a record at any step. This form will differ from the form the step assignee will see. This form will be for editing purposes only and the edits will be recorded in the audit log. The editor will not be able to send the form on to the next step or perform other actions, such as transferring ownership of the business process.

In addition, this editing form will not perform any rollups. Rollups, if any, will occur only when the step assignee sends the record on.

This form must be specified before the administrator can designate editors for the record.

Reference against company-level commit

If your company is using blanket purchase orders, select the check box to allow users to choose a blanket PO to reference against. If you want the BP to verify that the amount is not exceeding the remaining balance of the referenced BPO, select the Enforce against company-level commit amount check box.

Remove Company Records from filtered list when line item status equals

If this BP type filters company records into a list for a specific project, use this field to specify that, when the line item reaches the status you designate here, Primavera Unifier should remove the line item information from the list.

Reservations in these statuses are confirmed

If the BP is a reservation, click the Select button and specify the status or statuses that will designate that these reservations are confirmed.

At runtime in Primavera Unifier, reservations that are in any of these statuses will be considered confirmed and will affect the object’s calendar, its availability and overbooking status.

Reservations in these statuses are canceled

If the BP is a reservation, click the Select button and specify the status or statuses that will designate that these reservations are canceled.

At runtime in Primavera Unifier, reservations that are in any of these statuses will be dropped from the calendar.

Resource Assignment

If the BP is a schedule type, use this field to specify that, when the resource reaches the status you designate here, Primavera Unifier should add the resource to the Master Schedule Sheet.

Rollup Status(es)

If the BP is a timesheet, use this field to designate that, when the resource reaches a specific status(es), Primavera Unifier should roll up the hours and costs into other cost sheets.

Show Assets in Asset Picker when status equals


If the BP is an asset class, use this field to specify that, when the asset reaches the status you designate here, Primavera Unifier should list the asset on the Asset Picker. You must specify at least one status, and multiple statuses are allowed.

Straight Line Payment Schedule

Primavera Unifier’s Lease BP automatically generates a Regular Payment Schedule to allow users to view future lease payments. These reports use the start and end dates, frequency, and amount to calculate the payments; and these fields are displayed on the report.

This option is useful if your leases must allocate payments for multiple tenants of a property and you want to see the amount allocated for each property.

Use this option to add additional fields to the report.

Click Select and choose the fields you want to appear on the Regular Payment Schedule. The Select list displays fields from the upper form of the lease business process and the lease payment lines. These fields will be appended to the right side of the schedule in Primavera Unifier.

Note: You cannot specify these fields until you have designed the upper form for the lease. You will need to return to this tab after you have designed the form.

Update filtered list of Company Records when terminal status equals

If this BP type filters company records into a list, use this field to specify that, when the BP reaches the status you designate here, Primavera Unifier should update the record information on the list.

Update SOV

Select the check box if the BP is a Change Commit or Payment Application. Select the SOV Type (such as Payment Application or General Spends) and the SOV Line Items that should be updated. Specify which line items to update by selecting the appropriate terminal status.

Note: The SOV Type must match the SOV of the referenced Base Commit, and the SOV Line Items must match the setting of the referenced Base Commit.

Update Commitment Summary

If the BP is a Change Commit Line Item type with Multiple Codes, select this check box if you want the form to automatically update the commitment summary.  Select the Commitment Summary Type and the Commitment Summary Line Items that should be included on the summary. Specify which line items to update by selecting the appropriate terminal status (see Statuses Tab).

Use this process as RFB master vendor list (vendor master list)

Select the check box if you want to use this form as a master list of vendors for RFB business processes.

When you open a Cost Type-Line Items with CBS and WBS Code Business Process and click on the Options tab, you can see the following:

Settings block

The "Allow adding users/groups in Unifier User mode" option is used for automatic email notifications, when a non-workflow record is created or modified. Select this option if you want the user to be able to add users or groups to the email. If you select this option, the form will display an additional area at the bottom where the user can choose additional users or groups to notify.

Note: This area is predefined in Unifier and will not be visible in uDesigner when you design the form.

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Last Published Friday, April 9, 2021